Chapter 2

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⚠️Slight sexual innuendos (lime, maybe a light lemon ) and references, also violence⚠️ 

**Third person's pov**

Yes, it twas finally night, and the Agreste's were finally home. Emma and Brandon both were tired from primary school, Sebastian was exhausted from the hardcore preparation for his college exams, and yet the two lovebirds were bustling with energy, knowing that this very night was going to be very...eventful.

As soon as the twins were asleep, they dashed to their room and locked the door, not wanting any incidents *such as walk-ins* to scar their children, and of course, to prevent any further mocking from their seemingly horny teenage son. 

There's love in the air, I'll let you tell it.

**your pov*

Adrien locked the door, his eyes locked with mine, and swept me off of my feet just to dump me in our bed. He pinned me to our bedding and started kissing me. It got heated...real fast.

He bit my bottom lip, as if he was asking permission to enter my mouth, and I, of course, gave him the permission. His tongue scanned the inside of my mouth as if it was foreign land, which let me tell you, it wasn't. I too eventually joined with the exploration of mouths. He stopped for air and immediately aimed for my neck, leaving love bites everywhere until he reached the hem of my work shirt, which he instantly tore off. 

Soon enough we were both unclothed and pleasing each other, as if to build the anticipation of the well-known deed that would come afterwards. 

But before we did anything major, a loud, bomb-like noise filled our ears, and the city of Paris erupted in flames, or at least a portion of it. Adrien and I looked at each other in despair and quickly threw random clothes on, ready to summon our kwami and defeat this very rude interrupter.



~time skip~

We finally made it to the site, flames engulfed the city, and Chat and I were desperately saving people. Soon enough the villain showed his face, apparently his name was 'Sore' and he was taking vengeance for his lost love.

"I WILL NOT BE DONE WITHOUT THOU MIRACULI" exclaimed Sore, "I believe the correct term is Miraculouses you dingus!" responded Chat as he avoided the fiery attacks from the akumatized villain. I propelled myself to Sore and threw a punch at their face, but somehow he dodged it, making me lose focus and fall to the floor, "what the,"  luckily landing on my feet quickly realizing the true power of the Akuma, "Chat! He has fire sensory but reversed, instead of repelling fire it creates it while detecting nearby heat!" I yell at my husband, whose agility confused Sore.  

I run toward Sore and, once again, launch myself to them noticing their distracted state due to Chat's attacks.

I land a direct hit on their rainbow back armor, but suddenly I'm on the floor, in pain, my hand feels like it was destroyed, trampled by elephants of fire.

I fall to my knees, the part of the suit which covered my hand now gone, and instead there was a hand with multiple burns, nothing more severe than a second degree burn, but it sure was painful as heck. As soon as I look up I see Chat get distracted by my injury and get hit by Sore as well. 

We both gathered our strength, and with a well constructed plan, we will take Sore down and free the akumatized citizen. This time I was in charge of distraction, and Chat would give the final blow, he would use his cataclysm to destroy his cape, which had the insignia of a rainbow beetle. 

I delivered a couple punches, careful with my injured (right/left) hand of course. 

"CATACLYSM" shouted Chat as I watched the cape of Sore disintegrate. Soon enough a civilian was on his knees, and a small purple butterfly left its host.

"bye bye little akuma!" I say as I free the akuma and use my new developed charm, eyes of the tigress, to clean up the mess in the city. 

Everything was back to normal.

or so it seemed.

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