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                                                                      ( Backstage Prince p.o.v)

Prince: so pooh how you doin

Pooh: im doing good nothing just still psazzed and exicited

Prince: well dont worry once you get to know us your be used to it

Pooh:  yeah so what did you wanted to talk about

Prince: aww yeah nothing just wanted to hear your voice agaiin

Pooh: *playfuly hit him* aww your so sweet

Prince: imma have to steal you away from ray about an hour

Pooh: is that soo

Prince: yep how bout now * runs and takes her with him*

Pooh: you crazy but ray supposed to take me to the park *stops running*

Prince: *pouts* aww i wanted you to come with me

Pooh: awww your so cute when you make your puppy dog face *pinches his cheeks*

Prince: you so adorable

Pooh: *Blushes* stop your making me blush *and turns her face*

Prince: you look cute when you blush

Pooh: aww ide enough talking i wanna know what they doin my noisey ass

Prince: you is funny

Pooh: i know

Prince: ide go on to your man

Pooh: ide bye prince *hugs him*

                            PROD AND CALI

Cali: so what did you want

Prod: oh nothin just bored and wanted to talk to you

Cali: *gets a text from roc sayin wanna go with me to the park with ray and pooh Repy: of course when* aww

Prod: so what you think bout roc

Cali: he cute fun funny adorable goofy like me him and ray together with candy is funny and goofy me and pooh with him we will be extra hyper *get  text from roc and says: now reply: ide here i come

Prod: what bout me

Cali: srry prod gotta go me roc ray and pooh finna go to the park

Prod: like a double date

Cali: naw *laughs*

Prod: hmhmmmm u aint slick *LAUGHS*

Cali: ide *leaves*

                                              (Pooh P.O.V)

Pooh: im ready

Ray: you lookin to fine

Pooh: thank you

Roc:yopu lookin to sexy cali

Cali: well thank you  *giggles a lil*

Ray: come on beat you to the swings

Pooh: no you not (A/N Ray and me put together is to goofy like im extra goofy)

Ray:lets see right now *runs to swings and win*

Pooh: you cheated not fair *pouts*

Ray: *laughs* you is to funny

                                                  (Roc P.O.V)

Roc: wanna sit on the bench and tell me a lil bit more bout you

Cali:okay well first im the youngest and im goofy silly crazii ghetto umm fun to be around funny and i like to do my own thing have my own swagg like i like bright colors im wild like when i mean wild i mean wild

Roc: wow *luaghs*

Cali: whats funny

Roc: nothin just wanted to know will you be my #1 girl

Cali: thought this day would never come and yes

Roc: *kisses her then they start makin out lovey dubey*

                                              *Ray P.O.V)

now its my turn

Ray: will you be my #1 girl

Pooh: yeah i thought you would never ask

Ray: *luaghs* your so cute * starts makin out with her

(PRINCE  and PROD is on the tour bus with kiesha and walter talkin bout next the person thats comin on the tour with them*

A/N im done now chpt 4 tomorrow i wrote chpt 3 today cause i felt lke i should be writing 2 chpts a day but tomorrow yall only go get 1 sorry

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