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I'm sorry for all past, future and present typos (including language translations ). Spanish isn't my first language and I'm honestly trying. If I write something wrong just simply call it out and end it at that. I will try my best to fix it. To Spanish speakers: I'm honest to god sorry if I make errors and it doesn't make sense. (Sorry if it's cringy.)

    (I don't own Sandcastles by Beyonce)


Tony sighed as he trudged down the busy hallway. His eyes trailed down to the floor as he stared at the tiles. He went to his locker and whipped it open. (He wanted to get his stuff and leave as soon as possible.) A small piece of paper slipped out and fluttered to the floor. Tony leaned down and picked up the thin strip of paper. He slowly turned it over and could feel his breath catch and his heart twist. 

The pictures of Clay and him smiled up at him.

He and Clay had gone to the mall on a date and taken a strip of pictures in the photo booth. He slowly smiled at the memory.

"Clay what are we doi-" Tony raised an eyebrow as he was pushed into the booth.

Clay smirked and slid next to him and pulled the curtain closed.

"Making memories!" He smiled and kissed him on the cheek, as the camera went off.

Tony snapped out of his daze and his smile slowly slid off his face.

 He and Clay had broken up two weeks ago, after a major fight and had gone their separate ways.

He stared at the picture and carefully placed it facedown on his locker shelf.

He quickly closed his locker and noticed how most of the high school had already left.

He could feel his throat start to dry and well up. 

He swallowed dryly and made his way through the school to the exit.

He just had been feeling so empty. His mind had been going all over the place for the last few days and he'd been having so many different emotions at once. 

He let his mind wonder and slowly lost focus on all the things around him.

He quickly turned the corner and ran smack dab into one of his teachers, causing her to drop all her files.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Mulberry!"

Tony scrambled to pick up the files and papers scattered all over the floor.

"Don't worry about it Tony, it was just an accident-"

"At least let me help you!"

Mrs. Mulberry smiled as she stood up and stacked all the files in her arms again.

"Speaking of help, Mr. Padilla could you do me a favor?"


"Could you take these to Mrs. Tampleson, in the choir room? I'm already running late to a meeting and this set me back a few minutes." 

"Sure, no problem."

Mrs. Mulberry smiled and transferred the files to him and hurried down the hallway.

Tony shifted the files in his arms and walked the opposite way down the hallway. 

He hadn't ever really been down toward the music wing but, he remembered it was close to the auditorium. He turned a couple corners and looked for the choir room sign. He walked around a bit till he found the 5 letter room. He quietly swung open the door with his foot and entered the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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