*Chapter 101*

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[Avie's POV]

Tour finally came to an end and Tony and I moved in to our new home.

"Here we are," Tony said as we walked in, Turtle and Pebbles running in.

"Wow, this is awesome," I said.

"Yeah, some furniture I got from a friend who was getting rid of some stuff. He got it all polished and steamed and looking good as new," he said as I sat on the dark blue couch.

"I love it," I said.

"I knew you would," Tony said smiling. "Wanna see the best part??"

I nodded as he took my hand and led me to a room, where there was some paint cans and had some crib parts.

"Oh my gosh," I said.

"Its was my niece's. My cousin gave it to us," he said. "Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes bought the paint," 

I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

"You never fail to put a smile on my face," I said.

"Its my job," he said. "Now, how about we start unpacking? Vic and Mike will be here soon to help with our furniture."

I nodded as we got started.

I took care of all that we bought and arranged them around the room, Tony moving some boxes inside.

I then spotted the vase I hit Monica. There was a big dent on it, but it still looked good.

"Babe, where should I put the trophy??" I asked.

He laughed as he set the CD box down. "Haha, nice. And anywhere is fine," he said.

I nodded and set it on the side table near the couch.

I sorted the boxes, moving the rest of the stuff when Vic and Mike arrived.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Sup, baby sis," Vic said as they helped moved the bed to what will be our bedroom.

"No funny business on this bed!! One awkward baby turtle is going to be enough!!" Mike shouted, making me burst out laughing.

It wasn't long until we finally got all furniture fixed up  that we decided to start painting tomorrow.

It was night time when we finished and went to bed.

While there, i traced circles on my small baby bump with my finger, thinking of some baby names.

Maybe if its a boy, I can name him either after Tony or maybe Kayden, or something else....

And if it were a girl, maybe Melody or Chase. I'll need to think about it.

"Hello, miss lady," Tony said, crawling up next to me. "What are you daydreaming about??"

I shrug. "Just baby names. Any ideas??"

"Hmm," he said, lying down, then smirked. "I like the name Anakin for a boy."

"Haha, very funny. So, any??" i asked.

"Umm... well for girl names Leia like Princess Leia, its a pretty name. Or... I don't know, i always liked the name Beverly," he said. "What about you??"

"Umm, i came up for if its a boy, maybe after you or the name Kayden. And if a girl, Melody or Chase

"We should make a list," he said, grabbing a pen and notepad and setting it on his lap. he made a column for Girl Names and another for Boy Names.

"Alright, so, Melody... Chase.... Leia... and Beverly. And for boys, we got Kayden... Tony Jr.....and Anakin," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay, so, by time if we come up with any ideas, it'll go on our list here," he said.

"Good idea," i said as he set it aside and pulled the covers over us.

We curled up in our arms, said our good nights, and fell asleep.


Okay, so the 25th (today) is Tony's actual birthday. I messed up in the last chapter because I'm so good at seeing dates and what now (note sarcasm).

Anywhore, a big Happy birthday to Tony Perry.

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