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Name: Rio Kaminari (雷莉緒)

Name meaning: Rio is written with the characters Ri (莉) meaning "White Jasmine" and O (緒) meaning "Thread". Kaminari is another name for Raijin the Japanese god of lighting and thunder and it very simply means "Thunder"

Age: 18

Species: Mikogami

Family: Maka Kaminari (Mother), Ryo Kaminari (Father), Priestess Kaminari (Ancestor), Kiku, Aya, Ryoko (Siblings), Kentaro Satoh (Husband)

Fighting style: Taekwondo

Appearance: Rio resembles Raiden in some ways, having long white hair that's swept back and a similar face but her faces is much more expressive, she also has warm brown eyes, tan skin and a slim to muscular build. She wears her school uniform of a long sleeved sailor uniform in black and blue, sheer black tights with blue vertical stripes and high heeled loafers, her sailor scarf are decorated with Red Spider Lily, her alternate outfit is a layered black and blue skirt, a matching blouse, cardigan, pantyhose, a short poncho and knee-high boots

Personality: Rio is shown to be a kind and humble girl, her personality being compared to a strict but fair queen. When her allies is threatened, she reveals a more serious nature when she coldly and quietly helps to avenge her friends and family members from the wrath of her psychotic mother. She holds a strong grudge against her mother, who kicked her out and disowned her because Rio was "defective". She's also very casual as she refers to Raiden as "ジジ" which is a casual way of saying Grandpa, almost like "Old man" or "Gramps"

Abilities: Rio is a master of Taekwondo, combined with her flexibility which is compared to a cat, makes her a very frustrating opponent. She has the magical ability of creating something from other forms of matter, so for example if she wanted to replace a broken knife she can take rope and change the components to become a knife, she can also manipulate living matter, construct and destroy matter, and is shown manipulating her own body to stretch out like string, using this ability to heal wounds. She can live without food or water, using electricity as a substitute for food.

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