Chapter 30

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Luke wiped the crumbs off the table and into the grey dish he had in his hand. Sighing, he stood up and moved the dish so that it was under his arm and he slung the slightly damp down over his shoulder. "The tables are wiped down, the dishes are washed and everything is put away. Can I get my check now so I can go home?" Luke asked the woman that was behind the counter, her brown hair pulled up in a tight bun as she finished counting the money for the night and stuff.

He was exhausted and ready to go home and take a nice, long bath. His hair was grimy from how much he has sweated today, his clothes smelt like coffee, and his feet were sore from these stupid "proper" shoes that the cafe owner insisted they wore, even if they were extremely tight on his large feet. The only thing he had to look forward to was the hot meal Michael would be serving him tonight, and that he didn't have to work until later tomorrow morning.

The woman hummed and nodded, giving Luke a brief smile as she counted the money aloud. She tucked the cash and Luke's tips in an envelope, not even bothering to properly seal it, and handed it to him. "$387 plus tips for your biweekly paycheck," she said and smiled widely, considering it an even amount only because she considered Luke an average teen just having a full time job for college or something along those lines. She hummed and gathered up her things, fixing her jacket and tugging her handbag across her body, not noticing Luke's face of disappointment.

Luke chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes pinned on the envelope in his hand. He was disappointed that he got yet another check that wasn't even close to his much he should be getting. "Ugh, Claire?" Luke said, scratching the back of his neck before he looked up at her.

"The woman who hired me, I can't remember her name, but she told me I would be making $9 an hour, and with as many hours as I work, I should be getting a bigger check," he kept his voice calm, not wanting to bitch her out and chance losing the job considering he desperately needed the money.

Claire tucked her own envelope in her handbag and looked over at Luke, letting out a soft sigh. "Sorry, kid, but that's just how things are. We get slow business sometimes and we have other workers and bills and whatnot to pay for around here too," she said and looked at him, feeling pity for him. "I'm sorry. Maybe you can find somewhere better to work," she said and smiled halfheartedly, trying to sound optimistic and encouraging.

Luke sighed and shook his head, knowing this was a fight he would lose. "It's fine, thank you," he said, shoving the envelope into his back pocket before he turned around and grabbed his coat off the rake. If he would have worked here a few months ago, he would have told her to fuck off and that he would find somewhere better because he had his trust fund, but he now knew nobody would hire him and Michael took the card to his trust fund away from him because apparently they didn't need to rely on that to survive.

Claire watched Luke for a moment longer then just left with a silent wave, seeing he was in deep thought. She walked outside quietly and climbed into her car, driving off and humming to herself. The café was a retro-like place and didn't get too busy, but it had a decent amount of business daily. They didn't pay Luke as much just because he was a teenager and they didn't think it was necessary to do so.

Taking off his apron, Luke hung it up and turned off the lights. He glanced around the dark store one more time, then walked outside and locked the doors. He had no idea what he was going to tell Michael, but he knew he couldn't keep lying about his pay checks and where he gets all the extra money from. Even at the thought, Luke shook his head, realizing that telling Michael the truth wasn't an option. He just needed to find a better job that paid him more, so he didn't have to continue to rely on his aunt.

Michael was at the house, humming as he finished cooking dinner. He began plating everything, setting the table even though he knew Luke would just take his plate to the living room and sit in the recliner. He smiled small as he thought of his boyfriend and shut off the stove tops then scooped Alex up from his playpen which was between the kitchen and living room. He cooed and cradled the infant close, glancing at the clock and seeing Luke would be home anytime now. He hummed and unlocked the door then sat on the couch, not eating yet since he always waited to eat until Luke got home.

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