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Snapchat is blind.

"Pick one and send it to your bff!"
Implies I have one to send it to.

I mean, I think I do,
But she doesn't have an account.

Or we have officially lost the yellow heart for good.
I tend to think reason two has applied for sometime now.

"Draw your bff and sent it to them!"
How do you draw a nameless, faceless creature?

Friendship isn't fruit,
You can't have one rot and then just pick a new one.

Besides, all the good ones have been eaten.

I will always remain as the one who walks behind on a two person side walk.
A temporary and unnecessary third wheel in the machine of friendship.

The door from the titanic, floating aimlessly in the ocean,
I am Jack.
There is no room for me.

It's okay, I've found a scrap of wood I hang onto.
But it's brittle and starting to crumble.

I just want to be put above all else, as I've done to you countless times.

I want to be the first choice.

But I don't receive those types of snapchats.

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