Then a little girl came running out of the truck and ran to give me a hug.

"Hi I'm Ava, WE'RE GOING TO BE SISTERS!!!" She squealed. I laughed and then replied,

"Yup, im Sofia but you can call me Sof..." She nodded.

My mum had already gone in to show David around and then Aiden came out of the truck.

"Hey" he said

"Hi, so should I show you around?"

"Sure," he replied

Just as I turned around I saw Marcus standing at his house looking over here.

"Can you just wait one second please?" I asked Aiden. 

He nodded and I ran over to Marcus. I took his hand and said,

"Text me later?"

"I was planning to..."

I gave him a kiss and then went back to Aiden.

"Where's Ava?" I asked

"Oh she went inside..." I nodded and then showed Aiden the house.

I showed him all the rooms and then he went back to the truck to get some of his things. I followed him to the truck and helped them bring some things into the house.

As I put one box (of the millions I carried in) into the kitchen my mum said,

"Honey, you've already done so much, you can go upstairs and relax for a while if you want..."

"Really, thank you!" I replied.

I ran upstairs into my room and got my computer from my desk and put it at the corner of my bed.

I lied myself across the bed and then I got a text on my phone.

I opened it and it was from Mac,

I then ran downstairs and to my mum,

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I then ran downstairs and to my mum,

"MUM, Marcus and Martinus's parents invited all of us over for dinner..."

"Oh that sounds really nice, tell them we'd love to come over.."


I then ran back up to my room and texted Marcus.

I then went over to Ava's room to see what she was doing

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I then went over to Ava's room to see what she was doing. She was unpacking all her boxes. God her room was very pink.

Then on the corner of my eye I saw a Marcus and Martinus poster. I laughed a little and then Ava turned around and saw me.

Ava-"Hi, wanna play a game?"

Sofia-"Sorry but I can't, but I see you like Marcus and Martinus..." I said pointing to the poster.

Ava- "Yeah their sooooo good!!"

Sofia-"Who do you like better??"

Ava-"I like Martinus, do you like any of them?"

Sofia- "Yeah, I like Marcus.." She has no idea 😂.

Sofia- "I have to go help with the boxes downstairs though,"

Ava- "Ok" she said cheerfully as she went back to her own boxes.

I went over to see what Aiden was doing and he was unpacking his boxes.

I knocked on the door frame and he immediately turned around.

Sofia- "Hey, need any help??"

Aiden- "No thank you, I've gotten all my boxes already and most of the rest is just old junk..." he said while pointing to a few boxes.

I walked into the room and closed the door.

Sofia- "Does your sister know that Marcus and Martinus live next door??"

He shook his head and said,

Aiden- "No, she'd just go all fan crazy..."

Sofia- "Ok, but how's she going to react when we're going to their house for dinner??"

Aiden- "I don't know... hopefully not too crazy.."

I nodded and went out of the room. I went downstairs first to see if they need help and they said they didn't. So I then went upstairs and watched some things on my computer. 

After about 10 minutes I heard a knock on my door and saw Aiden was there. 

"Hey," he said 

"Hi, whatcha doing?" I replied 

"Nothing, I finished my room so I have nothing much to do..." 

"Well, I could show you around Trofors and we could have lunch somewhere.."


"I could also invite Marcus and Martinus so you can get to know them..." 

"Yeah, that would be cool," 

"Ok, I'll text them and then meet you downstairs in 5 minutes..." He nodded and went out of my room. 

Authors Note:

Hey guys, so the book that won is, drumroll please 


I'm sorry if some of you wanted the other book but thats how a vote works, and also after the best friends brother I will probably do the Foster kid because lots of you wanted it. 

Anyway please vote for my story and comment what you think, also I will be posting the first chapter or introduction thing of the Best Friends brother so you guys can see what its going to be like. 

But before I do I need to know from you guys if you want the crush to be on Marcus or Martinus. 

So comment down below and whoever gets the most amount of votes win!

I love you guys so much! ❤️

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