"Soft drinks they all are, and it's alright. But what happens to the consumer that's bold enough, brave enough, passionate enough to take more than soft drinks?
That's where M&A steps in to embrace the non alcoholic drinker in bolder and better ways. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Grape pop." There was an applause but Gina couldn't hear it because she was busy trying not to look at the presenter's toned forearms which were exposed under his rolled up sleeves.

"Ma'am we'd like to know what makes Grape pop different from the rest of our drinks?" Someone asked.

"Grapes, we have invented a knew flavour from different kind of berries, forget what the fruit is, but what it can be used to do." She explained.

"A fruit it still is, fermenting can be done, isn't that alcoholic?" Another asked.

"Correct! But it's not alcoholic, no additional chemicals, no wheat, just water and a bit of sugar."
Gina corrected the now nodding members.

"But, if we are fermenting this, there'll be a little effect, but then again that's what we want right? Agetaway that's harmless to our health, a daze that does not necessarily take us from reality." Eddie added. He paused to search Gina's eyes then said.

"A fire that doesn't meltdown our ice, just enough for both warmth and coolness."

Their eyes still locked when a thunderous applause took over, they were certain everyone got the concept. This was happening, her ice wasn't melting down but it was slowly but steadily warming up.

"Congratulations G." Vanda said winking at her. Gina stuck her tongue out at her. Why did the woman read so much?
"Mr Raymond." Vanda nodded before walking away.

"Frank get this documents to my office." Eddie ordered his PA who obliged immediately. "Miss Marshall may I have a minute." He professionally requested.

Gina sent Cindy ahead.
Turning to him after the door closed behind Cindy, she said.
"Is there a_"

Her lips were smothering against a soft pair before she could finish. Hers were nothing compared to the determined pair, they strived to part her own, her resistance wavered after she felt a soft bite on her bottom lip. His tongue invaded her mouth soft and deep strokes. Before she could fathom what was happening, she was sitting atop the board table with her hands around his neck. He parted her legs tucking himself between her thighs. She moaned against him when he pulled her closer, their chests flush against each other. She was in a daze, her ice cold walls melt _ no warming up, he didn't want to melt them she knew. The reason she allowed his heat was unknown to her, but she wanted it, badly. His hands caressed up her thighs, skimming under her dress, his touch was rough and soft at the same time. His calloused hand sending waves to her core. Her hands traced his shoulder blades, feeling the rippling muscles under his shirt, she clawed causing him to groan.

He had to stop, if he didn't he'd take her consented or not. She was enchanted and her desires would allow him but what then after that? Reluctantly, he pulled himself away bringing his hands to cup her feminine soft jaw. Their eyes met, she read lust there, raw animalistic lust.

When they stopped panting and were breathing normally, he talked. "I like you warm, not cold, not molten, just warm." He pecked her lips chastely and he read the disappointment in her eyes. She wanted him.

"Swine." She whispered her jaw twitching.

"Wrong method beautiful." He chuckled, teasing her earlobe he went on. You can't abuse your way into my bed."

"Please_ " It was a plea but she snorted to correct the mistake. "Who said I want to be in your bed?" She added trying to breathe evenly.

He smiled against her neck, tracing kisses along her jaw then her eyelids and nose. "This..." he placed a ghostly kiss on her lips.. "And this..." his finger traced her bare bicep, lingering just above her waist, his thumb found the curve under her breast and traced small circles.

"Need more prove?" He whispered running his thumb over a hard nub over her dress. "I'm contemplating ripping this off." He growled as she moaned at the images they both knew were creating in their minds.

"Caveman." She hurled and they both laughed. Their gazes held as the laughter died down, her expression hardening.
"I can't melt down."

"I don't want you to, you are perfect the way you are." He spoke stroking her bare knee.

"The whole warmth thing is bullshit then."

"That will make you more perfect." He said lifting her up to set her on her feet.

"You are too old for cheesiness." She said stifling a smile.

"And you are young enough to make out in a boardroom I assume." He smirked, his hands crossed over his chest as he watched her blush.

Stupid! Fucking! Blush.

"You wish." She said rolling her eyes.

"Wishes do come true, Gina." He gathered her in his arms again before tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "You just need the perfect star to make them to." He pecked her forehead.

"Stars can be delusional, I don't let them lead my way." She said gazing past him.

He held her chin, making her look at him. "Sometimes they don't give an option, they just drag you with them." With that he was on her with a punishing kiss. Hard, passionate and determined, striking her with the reality of succumbing to fate, to desire, to want, their want.

"Still a caveman." She muttered between pants when he let her go with a ridiculous smirk on his face.

"Oh you know you are turned on by cavemen." He teased rubbing his raging hard on against her stomach.

"Maybe, but only after the cavemen have succumbed to a certain cold witch." She said smirking at the realisation of his hardening member.
"You might need to use the bathroom Mr Raymond." She said before walking away with a more ridiculous grin.

I hope you are enjoying this.
Please read on because it's about to get liiiiit!!

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