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Athena knew that Bella had gone down to the Rez with Jacob but refused to go since Bella would be there too and she still wanted noting to do with her

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Athena knew that Bella had gone down to the Rez with Jacob but refused to go since Bella would be there too and she still wanted noting to do with her. She loved the Pack but hated it when Bella was around. They were her family and she didn't like how Bella was the cause for some of their problems. She didn't like them worrying.

Athena decided to have a lazy day and lounged in her bedroom while watching TV. Jasper had made sure to put in a TV as he knew she loved her lazy days and would sometimes refuse to get out of bed. Esme had made her lunch and continued to bring her snacks. She still had relatively normal cravings but she was eating most of the time. Carlisle had also made sure she had a cup of animal every night as the children would still be part vampire and the last thing he wanted was for Athena to get hurt.

"Anything I can get you, love?" Jasper asked as he laid down next to his pregnant wife.

Athena shook her head, "Nope. Just stay with me." Jasper hummed in response and moved so that she was lying on his chest, head facing the television.

Suddenly Edward stormed into their room, a scowl on his face. "You need to get to La Push," he spoke to Athena. Jasper glared at his brother as he hugged his wife close. He had no right to ask his wife what to do, she wasn't his to boss around nor would she be going anywhere while she was pregnant.

The brunette sat up and raised an eyebrow, "And why would I do that?" She never hated Edward but boy, did he get on her nerves. She knew exactly why he wanted her to go to La Push but it wasn't happening. She was comfortable and just wanted to relax.

"I don't trust the wolves. Bella could get hurt and you can protect her if you went down there," Edward explained. Athena began laughing and Edward looked at her in confusion.

"You honestly believe I'm going to go down there just because you ask me to? Please, get over yourself. She can take care of herself and the wolves won't her as she is still human. Just because you don't trust them doesn't mean I care. It's actually funny that you think I'm going to do what you say after all the shit you put Jasper and I through. Get over yourself, she'll be fine." Athena spoke.

"Are you not concerned about her?" Edward couldn't believe how cold hearted she had become and how she would let Bella get hurt without doing anything about it.

"Nope. I'm not cold hearted. I just know my priorities. She can take care of herself and the wolves won't hurt her. I'm going to be a mother and my children matter more to me than a human who can't seem to stay out of trouble. Besides she has you and Jacob to look after her. Get out. I don't want to deal with you anymore. Get it through your head that she's not my responsibility, my family is," Athena spat at him. Edward looked at her in shock before he stormed out the room.

Jasper kissed the top of her head as she rested back on his chest. "I'm proud of you but you need to take it easy. You can't keep arguing with Edward, Bella and Jacob. It takes too much out of you and it's not good for the children."

Athena nodded her head in agreement, "I know. I'm sorry. I'll take it easy from now on." Slowly she began to drift off to sleep while Jasper held her.

" Slowly she began to drift off to sleep while Jasper held her

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Athena woke up when she heard a car pull up rather quickly. She got up and made her way downstairs with Jasper following her. Bella was sat down while Carlisle bandaged her hand up.

"Fall down while chewing gum?" Emmett sarcastically remarked. Athena sat down by Rosalie whom was reading a paper. Being around Rosalie calmed her nerves and she always enjoyed her company. The blonde had been a great help during the pregnancy.

Athena could feel the glares that Edward was sending her way. She rolled her eyes and flipped him off, causing Jasper and Rosalie to chuckle. She knew he blamed her for whatever happened to Bella. It wasn't her fault Bella was accident prone nor was it her fault that Bella couldn't just choose a guy.

"No. I punched a werewolf." Bella replied.

"Damn, you'll be one badass newborn," Emmett smirked. Rosalie scoffed and went outside, wanting noting to do with Bella. Athena rolled her eyes at the idiocity of the brunette. Once Carlisle was finished with fixing her hand he motioned for Athena to follow him as he wanted to check on the babies.

"Why does she hate me?" Bella asked.

Edward sighed as he hugged her, "She doesn't hate you."

"No but she doesn't understand her blatant regard for humanity. I'm guessing that's why you refuse to turn her," Athena replied. They were both being stubborn and it was going to affect them all. They were going to have problems with the Volturi because of them.

"You don't know anything," they both replied.

"That's where you're both wrong. And soon, everyone is going to be affected by your actions. You might not want her to be immortal but it will happen and it will affect us all. I just hope you can both deal with the consequences of your actions."

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