Chapter 1

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 I sat on the bus, my brother, Charlie took me with him on tour with him. He made me promise that if I got a B+ or higher in all my classes that he'd take me on tour with him, so I pushed myself to make sure to study and do all my work. I didn't work this hard to be with Charlie though, I worked this hard to be able to see George again. I had a huge crush on George that no one knows about. I didn't even dare write about my feelings for him in a journal.

I was excited because I actually aced all my classes, and George wanted me to help him track some bass and vocals later.

“How are you liking being on tour with your big bro?” Charlie asked wrapping his arm around me.

“I like it, I hope I make friends of you all by the time the tour is over.” I said sweetly. I wasn't really like my brother's friends. They were these big tough guys and I was this weird weak little 15 year old girl.

“Aw, are you sure you're mentally prepared for being friends with us?” Dylan asked.

“Yeah, you guys can't be that bad, and I know you guys have been dialing down the sex, drugs, and masturbation because I'm here.” I said smugly. “You guys can do what you usually do, there is nothing I haven't heard or seen.” I said.

“Aw, how cute she thinks she's ready for us.” Jorel laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“Hey, Jamie, what's you're number? I think it would be best if we all have it incase something happens to you.” George said. I listed it off and they all put it into their phones and texted me their names so I could put them as contacts. “Smile.” George said. I smiled and held up a peace sign. He snapped the picture and chuckled. “You're seriously adorable, Charlie, why didn't you tell us your lil sister was so cute?” George asked.

I blushed at the fact he thought I was cute.

“George, I swear, if I hear that you violated my sister in any way, I will kill you.” Charlie hissed.

“I'm not saying like that, I mean, look at her, she's one of those people you want to just hug.” George said.

“I like hugs.” I piped up. George chuckled. Charlie sighed and went into the back lounge with Danny, Dylan, and Matt. I was alone with George and Jorel.

“So you're super smart right?” George asked.

“I wouldn't say that, I only aced my classes so I could come on tour with Charlie.” I said simply.

“Do you like music?” Jorel asked.

“What questions do you really want to ask, I've heard stories from my bro and I know you guys aren't Pg-13.” I said.

“Ever done any drugs?” George asked. I shook my head.

“I never even been to a party.” I chuckled.

“That's it, we're having a bus party!” Jorel shouted.

“I'm fine without the whole party experience.” I chuckled.

“You need to do it at least once.” George said. “When we stop you need to get several cases of beer, snacks, and ice.” He added directing it towards Jorel.

“Why me?” Jorel asked crossing his arms.

“I'm going to be helping Jamie pick out an outfit.” George smirked. Jorel sighed and started making a list.

“I don't want to party, I'm not a party animal.” I chuckled as George went into the bunk and went to mine. He went into my bag.

“Oh cute.” He said pulling out my stuff rabbit.

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