"Lenalee, be careful. I think this is the cloaked figure Lavi was talking about," Allen said as he came over.

I looked into Lenalee's eyes then took several steps back. I said in my best guy voice I could muster "I don't know what you people are talking about... See ya."

Before I moved, Allen activated his hand and grabbed me. "L-Let me go!" I yelped loudly in my normal voice.

"We just want to talk though," Allen smiled.

"Hey guys! That cloaked-" Lavi stopped mid-sentence after getting a glimpse of Allen holding me. "Hey! You caught him!"

I tried my best to get free but couldn't. So I used my now normal knife and stabbed Allen's hand. "Ow!" He dropped me and I took off but Bookman stopped me.

"Why do you keep running? Can't fight more than one of us?" Lavi asked.

I replied in my guy voice again "That's not it, I was just having a little fun." Bookman looked at me funny. Then I heard a scream and I stiffened. Everyone else looked around wondering where it came from and activated there weapons. I took off. I knew exactly who it was. It was the little girl Tina who was dropped off here a few months ago.

When I arrived, Saanka was in front of Tina trying to protect her. "Saanka! Get underground!" I yelled. The Akuma looked at me, forgetting all about Saanka and Tina. It came towards me.

My gun was activated and I shoot at the Akuma, destroying it. I was shoot from behind. "What the...?" I turned around to see another Akuma. It must've shoot a regular bullet because I did not see the pentacles form on my body. I sighed in relief. But that relief didn't last long because five more Akuma came into view.

They fired at me but I dodged enough that the bullets didn't hit me, but they hit beside me with such force it made me fly back some and the hood of my cloak to fall down. I made my gun into a sword and attacked the closest Akuma. After I did, the pain in my shoulder caused me to flinch. I looked at it and took notice of the fresh blood. 'Damn it'

"Little hammer, big hammer. Grow, grow, GROW!" Once again, that hammer came crashing down on an Akuma. 'That means... Lavi and the others!' "Hey, are you o-" he stopped and looked at me. I forgot my hood fell down so I hurriedly put it back on and shoot the next Akuma. He still stood there staring for a moment longer then want back to fighting.

After all the Akuma were destroyed, I was about to take off but Lavi grabbed me and dragged me over to his friends, no matter how much I struggled I couldn't break free because of the reopened injury in my shoulder. "Hey guys! I caught the cloaked figure! And he is really a she." I kicked and struggled even more, causing my hood to fall off again.

They all seemed shocked... except Bookman. Suddenly, the exorcist were pelted with pebbles and Lavi let me go. I took the chance to run over to Saanka. The others stopped throwing stones and went back underground as me and Saanka took off but we were stopped when a hammer got in our way. "Where do you think you're going?" Lavi said with another smile. I don't think it was a very happy one neither.

Then his gaze when to my friend. "STRIKE!" he said excitedly, running over and knelling in front of my friend. "You're just my-" *smack* "Ow!" I smacked him in the head and growled.

"Get away," I snapped. He looked at me in shock then smiled.

"Someone jealous?" *smack* Bookman kicked him this time. "Ow you old geezer! What was that for?"

"For being an immature brat!" Bookman looked at me. "Hello. I am sorry about my apprentice. My name is-"

"Bookman. The red-haired idiot is named Lavi," I said. "I over heard you guys talking while I was trying to figure out why you guys were here."

"I figured as much." I looked at him confused. "I noticed you following us. I know you knew that I knew you were following because you would move after I would spot you." I looked away.

"Hi there." Allen and Lenalee came over. "I'm-" Lavi stopped them.

"She already knows our names."

"How?" Lenalee asked.

"She was following us and listened in on our conversations." They looked at me.

A little yellow ball with wings landed on my head. I grabbed it and looked at it. My eyes grew wide then I smiled at the thing. "Aren't you a cute little thing?" I laughed.

"Do you know his name?" Allen asked. I shook my head. "His name is Timcanpy."

"Hello Timcanpy~" I said, smiling and petting the little golden creature.

Lavi was looking at me. I looked at him and made eye contact. He quickly looked away.

"You can use innocence," Bookman stated.

"Yeah. So what?" I said with a poker face.

"You have to come with us to the Black Order." Lavi said.

Feedback would be appriciated in comments and/or votes! Have a nice day/night.

Lavi x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora