Potter is ticklish

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This part is dedicated to HarrryPotterRulz who inspired me to do this book. Many thanks HarrryPotterRulz! You rock!

Harry Potter watched the flames flicker in the common room.
He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch.
Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger were seated beside him.
None of the trio had spoken for a long time. They were busy thinking about the escape of Sirus Black.
Everyone else had gone to bed, but the group of three were too restless.
Harry most of all.
Black was a dangerous murder out to kill him.
How could he sleep with that in his mind?
As for his two friends, they were almost as scared. Their desire to protect Harry strong in their minds and hearts.
"AVADA KEDAVA!" A sudden voice yelled.
The three leapt in to the air and swung round, pointing their wands at their imposters....
Fred and George Weasly were laughing and pointing at their friends.
Having to lean against the couch to stand upright.
"You should have seen yourselves!" Fred cried wiping a tear from his eye.
"Priceless!" George agreed giggling.
The three younger wizards put their wands away angrily, glaring at the twins.
"We thought you were Black you two!" Ron growled.
"That was the point!" George smirked.
"Oh my lord! Black is out to kill Harry! Can't you take one thing seriously?!"  Hermione snapped.
"Nope!" The twins said in sync.
Harry sighed and sank back to the floor.
"Not funny you two" he said without much emphasis, staring back into the fire.
Fred and George jumped over the couch and plopped beside Harry.
"C'mon chosen one! Can't you take a joke?" Fred teased elbowing Harry's side.
The boy gave a yelp and jumped forward. Scrambling away from the others who were staring at him.
Fred and George exchanged mischievous glances before standing and walking towards Harry.
"Say Potter, are you ticklish?" George grinned.
"No.....don't come another step closer" Harry said shuffling away.
Fred and George pounced, dragging Harry back into the fire light.
George pulled off Harry's shoes and out his feet into a headlock.
Fred straddled his waist and pinned his arms above his head. 
"C'mon guys this isn't funny" Harry said.
"We find it funny" George smirked.
"And you'll be laughing!" Fred said attacking the boy's armpits.
At once peals of laughter spilled from Harry's lips.
Loud and clear.
Hermione and Ron stood watching. They were amused by this, and concern the twins would kill Harry.
"NOHOHOHO! FRED! GEHOHRGE! CUHUT IT OUT!" Harry cried laughing hysterically.
"We would" Fred said.
"But we're not going to!" George grinned spidering his fingers all over Harry's soels.
"Let him breathe" Hermione finally said after a few minutes.
"The chosen one doesn't need air, does he Harry?" Fred asked their victim.
"HE DOES!" Harry yelled.
Fred and George finally backed off and leapt on to the couch.
"Feel better Potter?" Fred grinned as Harry pulled on his shoes.
"Screw you" Harry replied, but the smile on his face wouldn't go away.
The twins said their goodnights and went up the stairs.
Harry stretched and went into a sitting position.
"Well that escalated quickly" Ron said after a while.
"I didn't know you were ticklish Harry" Hermione commented.
"Oh no" Harry said warningly, pulling out his wand in defence.
"Don't you two start."

So that's part one! Tell me your thoughts and what I should do next.
Have a good one!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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