I'm Sorry

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Note:This part contains many swear words and also loads of spelling mistakes as I've never typed anything out on my computer. Why I did so I will tell you.

Guys, listen, I'm really sorry to tell you'll this, but I swear that I was going to update today. But then some asshole/dick/git on my bus to home stole my phone, and all of my memes were on that phone. I've lost all of my data and all of my happiness. I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to update for at least a month now. So, I'm really sorry, but this book will be on hold until further notice.

Also, my sincerest apologies for any of my spelling mistakes out here, I've always used autocorrect.

Again, I'm really sorry, I'll try to update, but (sadly) , it's going to be hard to do so until I get a new mobile phone.

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