Chapter 5: Flashing Lights

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"Reservation for Kane"
"Right this way, follow me"
The lady led us to a table in the far back corner which was nice because it was private. Patrick pulled out my chair for me to sit than took his seat across from me.
"This is a really nice place"
"Yea it's a cute little restaurant"
The waiter handed Patrick and I menus and than left to grab us drinks. I decided to go with the least expensive thing on the menu which was Pena and Vodka. Patrick ordered a nice skirt stake and got mozzarella sticks for a small appetizer.

"I tell this to a couple people, but you have beautiful blue eyes" I said gazing into them
"Thanks, I here that once in a while"
"Im a huge sucker for blue eyes, something about them. But unfortunately I got stuck with greenish hazel eyes"
"There really pretty, not like any I've seen before"
"Haha thanks, so tell me what's your life like, you know besides being an NHL superstar?"
"Just like everyone else's I guess. I like to hang out and do normal things, I'm not really that different"
"I can see your very sweet"
"Thanks I try. Aright, your turn, tell me a little but about you"
"I guess I'm like you, well without the whole NHL superstar thing. I actually work for the United Center"
"No way, I would've seen you"
"Actually I'm in like an office type deal, I deal more with the financial side of it so I'm able to work from home, that's why you've never seen me"
"Funny you say that"
"Say what?"
"That I've never seen you"
"I don't know what your trying to hint at"
"Well we left the UC, the other day I had to go back for practice and one of the equipment managers came to talk to me. Turns out we met 4 years ago when you were 'equipment manager'".
"I remember that day, to be honest I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me the first day I was at your house"
"I'm a little slow on things like that" he laughed

The waiter came over and brought us our food. Patrick defiantly had great choice in food. The rest of the night we made small talk and I made sure to not let him pry to deeply into my private life. We finished the night off by splitting a a slice of cheesecake which was like heaven to my taste buds.

"Listen I was wondering if you could drop me off at the hospital?"
"Yea sure, are you gonna have a ride home from there?"
"I don't know I'll probably take my brother in law's car"
I said while pulling out money to pay for dinner
"Put that away, I got it. And if anything I can wait for you and just drive you home"
"Thanks for the offer but I don't want to bug you, this dinner was good enough. Can I at least cover the tip?"
"I guess" he said while placing the money on the table.

We finished paying for dinner and headed out the hospital were Patrick dropped me off. He got out of the car an walked me in and over to the elevator. I pressed the button than turned to Patrick
"Thank you for tonight, I haven't had one like this in a long time"
"It's nothing for a pretty girl like yourself, maybe we can do it again"
"Yea that would be nice"
He moved in closer and grabbed my hand. I had almost flinched but was able to control my nerves as he kissed me on the cheek and than left.

I placed my hand over my cheek feeling electrified with him. I turned around and got into the elevator that had just opened up and headed upstairs to see my sister. I quickly found her room and she was laying down watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey.
"Hey there Gab"
"Hey lyss, you look all dolled up, fancy date with David?"
"Uh yea" I said faking a smile. I could never tell her about how bad David and I were. He was toxic to me but he was my problem and I didn't need her worrying about it, it's bad enough Natalie know a little bit about it already.
"So I'm where's Jack and the baby?"
"The baby is in the nursing thing and Jack went to the cafeteria to get some food"
"Alright well tell him I said hi, I'm gonna head back to the house"
"Alright well I think I'm getting out tomorrow"
"Alright I'll make sure the house is ready for you"

I grabbed my bag and headed to the lobby to give in my visitors pass.
The hospital was a short distance from the house. I just had to stay on this main rode for a couple blocks than make a right. The main rode was busy with kids hanging out around a couple of the fast food restaurants. I finally reached the right turn and put my hand in my bag to grab my phone but I wasn't there. I checked my pockets and everything, it must've fallen out in Patricks car because that's where I had it last. I decided not to worry about it because it wasn't that important. I got to the right turn now all I had to do was walk a couple more blocks down and the house would be there. Living on the outskirts of the busier part of Chicago made it easier because everything was close together. I finally reached the house and opened my bag and dug around for my keys.

As I was waiting there a car had rolled up and parked across the street but the driver didn't come out. The headlights were to bright for me to take a look inside. I kept digging around for my keys until I herd the car door slam and it caught my attention. I looked over to see a drunk David leaning against his car.
"Lyssa" he slurred the s
"David get away or I'm calling the cops"
"Why baby girl?" he said getting closer
"David leave me alone, were over"
He was stumbling over his own to feet
"But babe come on" he said "its me and you forever" he mumbled while coming over to the porch. My heart was pounding and I couldn't seem to find my keys.

David came up next to me and went to stroke my cheek but I moved away.
"Listen here you little bitch, your coming back home with me"
"In your fucking dreams you drunk piece of crap" I said while backing away
"Don't do this Alyssa" he said while squeezing his hand into a fist

---Patricks POV
I finally said something about how Alyssa had meet me before and she wasn't surprised by it at all. I mean why would she? It's easier for her to remember me than me to remember her. She was shy and outgoing. She had a way with her words but any question I asked she seemed to talk her way around it. Something didn't feel right when we talked a but about our families. I mentioned my sister and parents and grandpa but all she touched on was her sister and the new baby. One thing that really hurt me was knowing she had been at the United Center for 4 years that I've been looking for her. That's insane she was literally right here but somehow we never crossed paths until now. When I pulled up to my house I looked over to the passengers seat and noticed Alyssa's phone sitting there with a couple unread messages. What the hell? I thought to myself. I might as well drive it over to her house since I had nothing else to do the rest of the night.

-----Alyssa's POV
I had to think of a way out of this. I decided I would do as he said and followed him across the street to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and locked me in. He opened his door but before he sat down I told him that I dropped my purse on the porch and obliged to go get it.
He was so drunk he tripped on the one stair. I could hear him curse at it under his breath as he retrieved my bag. The street lights were dim and I'm sure no one could really see what was going on. David began crossing back across the street but kept stumbling and had to get up at least twice. In the middle of the road he dropped the bag and bent over to grab it.

The next couple seconds flashed before my eyes. Headlights came in fast and I could hear a loud thud of his body being hit. The sound of tires pierced my ears as they tried to come to a stop. A load moan was let out and I pushed open the car door to go look over at what had happened. It happened to fast I didn't even know what had just occurred before my eyes. David bent down to grab my bag and car came down the road and didn't see him.

I looked down at David's body lying their motionless with my bag in his hand. The driver got out of the car and was talking to 911. I herd the mans voice on the phone and instantly knew it was Patrick.

---- Authors note
Oops cliff hanger, I promise an update soon and I don't normally do cliff hangers but this one is needed. Hope you guys are enjoying the story and sorry this chapter isn't edited so there might be a few mistakes.

A Little Drunk On Love (Patrick Kane Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt