Beauty is never in the eye of the beholder

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Neither Damian nor I say a word on the way home. My verbal diarrhea earlier left a heavy black cloud of uneasiness over us and I regret even bring up the subject of course he never thought of leaving; he’s always had his mom here. I let a few silent tears fall free letting my hair fall like a thick black curtain between us. I’ll only stay until his mother passes I think to myself I can’t stay here forever even if Damian is here; I need to know what exactly is over there and why the government is trying so hard to hide it from us. We stop in front of my house and turn to each other.

“I have.” He says in his flawless monotone.

“You have what?” I ask dumbfounded.

“I have thought of leaving, many times actually but I could never leave my mom long enough to go to the market let alone take off forever; I mean really you would have to take off forever because if you did come back they would kill you.” He says like the idea of dying doesn’t bother him at all. I wish I had strong shoulders like him, it seems like he can handle anything I think to myself and sigh internally.

“Oh I see it was just a question really I didn’t mean anything by it…” I mumble looking down to my feet avoiding eye contact.

“Well since you are going to reside on my couch for the next little while I figured I would give you one more night in your own bed, I’ll come over around eleven tomorrow morning to help you pack.” He said smiling which made the corners of his eyes crinkle…his eyes; I hadn’t noticed his eyes before. They were a dark glistening melted chocolate brown with specks of gold scattered throughout them …it took everything in me to rip away from his gaze and realize he was talking.

“Earth to Kuryen, hello what are you doing.” He says waving his hands in front of my face like an idiot.

“Ya know your sort of handsome Damian.” I said pushing a piece of his hair out of his eyes.

“And you know these,” he touches my back where one of the scars are “don’t define who you are or who you were, or even who you’re going to be.” he says softly playing with my hair.

“Thank you Damian.” I say turning to go to my door.

“Anytime Kury Anytime and remember eleven tomorrow either your up or it’s a bucket of ice water.” He said winking. I groaned knowing he would do it to.

Before I turn around and close my door I yell to him “Hey loser don’t become a stranger again.” He hears me but I know the only reason he didn’t come around was his mom and I assume that’s the reason he is jogging home right now because he’s never left her for so long before. I close my door and let my back slide down it. What was I going to ask him I thought to myself run with me? Uhhh I feel so stupid. Pushing the idea of running out of my head and the mishap with Damian I go to my kitchen and look in my cupboards realizing it’s been awhile since I ate last. I take some potatoes out slice them up and throw them in a pan with some grease to fry them. While I’m waiting I get a glass of water and gulp it down. Today was good I think to myself listening to the sizzling and popping of my fried potatoes. My potatoes finish and I dump them on a plate and drop myself into a seat at the table; as I scarf them down they burn my throat and mouth. When I finish my belly is full and my head is whirling remembering how hard it was to get Brea to eat her Vegetables….

“But Kuryen they are green, that means they are moldy.” She whispers to me not wanting mom to hear.

“It does not mean they are molded missy they are just peas they are supposed to be green” I say tapping her nose with my finger. I sit at the table racking my brain on how to get her to eat.

“Brea you better eat those or there will be no dessert or park for you.” My mom says firmly. I give her a dirty look telling her I have an idea.

“Brea who’s your favorite super hero?” I ask hoping she has one.

“Wonder woman.” She says without hesitation.

“Well do you want to be like wonder woman when you grow up?” I ask.

“Yes!” Brea says overly enthused.

“Well the only reason Wonder woman is so strong and can fly is because she ate her vegetables when she was a little girl, and if you want to be like her you better eat them up.” I say sounding completely legitiment.

“Really? Are you sure Kuryen you told me the same thing with spider man and milk last week?” she asked looking suspicious.

“I’m completely sure would I ever lie to you B?”

“No.” she admits.

“Exactly, now eat up your veggies and you will be big and strong in no time.” I say leaning back in chair giving my mom an I win face which she returns with a glare and a smile.

“Ok Kuryen.” Brea said stuffing her face with peas.

And that’s the last thing I remember before everything changed. I threw my plate in the sink and heard it shatter I didn’t care I would clean it up tomorrow. I stripped off my clothes and jumped into bed so I could snuggle under the covers. All of a sudden I was so cold and so tired; it’s like a wave hit me. When my head hit the pillow I expected to go to sleep immediately but I didn’t. I felt restless and worn out but not tired. I got up and wrapped my blanket around me and tucked it under my arm pits securely. I went and plopped down on my window sill watching the black night sky. Now I was tired! I honestly think I’m bipolar with all these mood swings and being tired one minuet and awake the next and all. The last thing I see is a shooting star streaking across the dark abyss of a night sky like a dove before I head back over to my bed. If beauty like a sun set or a shooting star can still be seen there has to be a pinch of hope or a ray of light for me still I think and drift into a content dreamless sleep


this one is sort of short sorry guys i have really long ones coming up i would love for you all to comment and vote and share my stories with your friends. i will definetly chaeck out your guys if you comment

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