Suddenly, a man with a swirly mask came in, Biwako and the doctor dropping the floor lifelessly. 



"Minato!" A Jonin landed by the blonde man, his Sharingan ablaze.

"Fugaku," Minato acknowledged with a nod of the head, his grip tightening on his child. 

'Holy crap! THAT'S the Teme's father?! He must've gotten his looks from his mother then. . .' Naruto chuckled inwardly. 'Well I suppose it's a good thing the Uchiha are helping out. Then the trust between the village and the Uchiha will strengthen.'

"Hokage-sama! Lord Hiruzen is coming this way!" A Uchiha landed by the clan heads.

"What is he planning on doing?" Minato asked himself quietly as he turned to see the former Hokage running towards them.

"Minato, I know what you plan to do. But I cannot let you do this, as you are still young and have a bright future ahead of you with your wife and child," Hiruzen said seriously. "But I am an old man who wishes to join my wife in the afterlife. Minato, please let me do the sealing."

Minato hesitated before handing his son over to Hiruzen.

"Thank you, Minato," Hiruzen nodded before running towards the Kyuubi as it struggled to free itself from the Uchiha who were trying to break the Swirly-Mask Man's control over it.

"Fugaku! Order your men to step back, I've got it!" Hiruzen called.

Fugaku nodded and signalled his men to back away. They did so and leapt backwards to the trees, where they could watch from a safe distance.

As Minato watched, Hiruzen began the Eight Trigrams Seal to first cut the Tailed Beast's chakra in half, seal the Yin part inside himself, and then into the baby. The Hokage turned when he heard heavy panting, and saw his wife leaning by a tree. 

"What. . . Kushina you should be resting!"

"You can't seal the Kyuubi in Naruto! I won't allow him to have the life of a jinchuuriki!" Kushina rasped defiantly, tears welling in her eyes.

"Kushina, there isn't another way," Minato said softly. "And Hiruzen wants to do this."

Kushina wordlessly pushed past her husband in a futile effort to stop the former Hokage from sealing the Tailed Beast into her son. "Minato break the barrier! The Kyuubi's going to kill Naruto!" the redhead cried hysterically.

Minato's eyes widened. Hiruzen had positioned himself in front of Naruto to protect him, but the Kyuubi's claw would surely pierce through the baby. Without thinking, Minato tore down the barrier with his Rasengan and before Fugaku could blink, both he and his wife had rushed in and placed their bodies behind Hiruzen.

The claw passed through all three of them.

Naruto started crying. No, not again! He had promised himself he would save them, he had promised! Now he wouldn't have a family. . . he would be alone again, and this time, without the Third Hokage for protection. Why did his parents have to be so damn reckless?!

"I'm sorry. . . Naruto. . ." Kushina apologized, crying softly. 

"Kushina, Minato. I thought I told you. . ." Hiruzen was cut off by a coughing fit. 

Blood splattered the grass.

"He's our child, Hiruzen. And as a parent, it is our duty to protect our children," Minato explained softly.

"Hiruzen, before you seal the Kyuubi in him. . . please let us say a few words to him," Kushina pleaded tearfully.

Hiruzen nodded weakly.

"Naruto. . . don't be picky. Eat lots and grow strong. Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm. Also. . . don't stay up late. You need lots of sleep. And make friends. . . you don't need a lot of friends. .  just a few. Ones you can really, really trust. . ."

'Don't worry Mom. I have friends I can truly trust. . .' Naruto wanted to cry so badly, but he also wanted to know what his mother was saying. Even if he had heard it before, he still wanted to hear it again. 

"I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your Ninjutsu hard. . . remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so don't get too depressed if you can't do something well. Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy. . . oh, and this is important. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi. . . be extra careful about lending and borrowing money, put your mission wages into your savings account, and no alcohol until you're twenty. Too much can ruin your health ya know, so drink in moderation. Another Prohibition is women. I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but. . . all you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women, so it's only natural to take an interest in girls. But just don't get hooked on bad women. Find someone just like me. . . speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know."

From here, Kushina started to cry. 

"Naruto, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship. . . be true to yourself. . . have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true. There's so much. . . oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you. I wish I could stay with you longer. . . I love you."  

'Yeah, there is so much you don't know, Mom. So much I've wanted to ask you and Dad. . . I had promised that I would save you both, but I've failed, haven't I? '

Minato sighed. "Naruto, my advice to you as a father. . . listen to your motor-mouth mother." He smiled gently before saying, "Hiruzen, proceed with the sealing, please."

The Hokage grunted before whispering, "Eight Trigram Seal."

Naruto started wailing and crying as a bright flash enveloped them, and the Kyuubi's chakra was split in half, the Yin going into Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Yang into Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. 

But one millisecond before that happened, Minato and Kushina intertwined their fingers and whispered some words in unison before feeling the immense pain of their souls leaving their body to join the Yang part of Kyuubi's chakra, to be sealed inside their son.

'I'm sorry Kit. . .' 

Was the last thing Naruto heard before men shouting and footsteps pounding over the grass was heard.



"Lord Third!"

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWhere stories live. Discover now