Chapter 34: Love In The Most Unexpected Places

Start from the beginning

"If you ever hurt Amu, which you better not, I'll hunt you down…got it?" said Rima, there was this slight dark aura emitting from her at the moment.

The others sweat-dropped and Nagihiko spoke "Rima-chan…I don't think he'd do such a thing to Amu-chan."

"Yeah, but if ever he does, he knows he's dead." Said Rima.

"Don't worry…" started Ikuto "You know I won't do anything like that…not to her."

"Oh, you better not." Said Kukai "Or all of us will be hunting you down, not just Mashiro. So, you better keep your word."

"Kukai…" said Amu "Stop threatening Ikuto."

"Don't worry about me." Said Ikuto "I think I'll be spending more time with Souma in the near future anyway."

"Eh?" asked Amu confused.

Kukai blushed and turned away. Ikuto just looked at Kukai knowingly and the others just didn't bother to say anything.

"Anyway, congrats to the both of you." Said Ran "It took you some time, but it finally happened." She smiled happily.

"Yeah, after everything that we've all been through." Said Miki "We've finally managed to get this far."

"And it's all thanks to you guys." Said Amu with a warm smile. "I could never thank everyone enough."

"Eh?" asked Dia "What are you talking about Amu-chan?"

"If it wasn't for everyone's help, I would still be with Saaya and her mom. And everyone would still be in a lot of pain." Said Amu sadly.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't your fault?" asked Ikuto as he looked at her. "None of it was your fault."

"We actually have you to thank Amu." Said Utau with a smile.

"Eh?" asked Amu "But…I didn't do anything. In fact, all this happened because of me/" she insisted. She still felt that this whole thing was her doing, and her stubbornness wouldn't let her admit to anything else.

"No. That's not true." Said Ikuto seriously. He hated it when she kept on insisting that it was her fault.

"He's right. It was because of you that we got to move forward." Said Utau "You were always there for us. You were there to keep us all going."

"And we can't thank you enough~nya." Said Yoru, who finally spoke in what seemed like ages. "Because of you…we're free~nya."

"Free to make choices and do as we like….it's all thanks to you." Said Utau "And of course, there's everyone else to thank for that too." She says as she looks over at the others and then she smiles warmly at Kukai, who gladly smiles back.

"We've all done something to make it this far." Said Kukai "We all did our part, but because of you Hinamori, no one was going to give up."

"We are family after all." Said Dia with a smile.

"And it would take more than just a few hits to bring us down." Said Rima, she smiled too.

"Thanks everyone." Said Amu with a smile "I really am grateful to everyone."

"Just as much as we're grateful to you Amu." Said Utau.

"Alright! Enough of all this seriousness!" said Yaya with a pout "Yaya can't take it anymore! It's just so gloomy."

They laugh a bit at Yaya's reaction and Su asks "Then what do you suggest we do then Yaya~desu?"

"I think we should celebrate!" said Yaya.

When I Met You (An Amuto Love Story) ♬♥~Complete~♥♬Where stories live. Discover now