Interviewing wattpad gems <3

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First interview- Sam aka GhostOfYou_x

Hello!! So I'll start by saying thank you for lending me some of your time for this interview. You're the first wattpadder i interview! :) So lets start with the questions!

When and how did you get into the writing mojo?

Well since i was a child i was always making up stories and i really liked reading a lot. And then i found wattpad a few years ago, and that helped me get the writing mojo

How did you discover wattpad and what were your first thoughts about the site?

Erm my ex bestfriend showed it to me, and i downloaded the app (because she found out on bb app world) And at the time i thought it was pretty cool loads of different stories and it got me preoccupied for ages xD

How do you come up with your stories and then develope them?

Well, some of them where dreams (which says a lot xD) or i would watch tele and then combine loads of ideas, or i would read some books and combine all ideas together, and developing them i just write whatever comes to mind when i think of the ideas, i don't like to plan. xD

So you write what you feel when you feel? Nice! Your stories are amazing and pretty popular on wattpad. Out of all your stories, which one is the closest to your heart?

I think it would be Fighting For Hope out of the ones that are posted, i leave so much about me in it, especially if it comes to the family life, it's clear and all of my stories that i'm not very close with them and that would be the closest one to my heart that is posted. It's also like the position i am now not just with writing, like with my school stuff, i've always had to fight to prove myself and in the story that's quite a lot of what it is about.

Your nanowrimo story, right? I read the first chapter in between breaks and I already can tell its a great read and it makes it a better one knowing that it hold so much of the wonderful writer and person you are. If you were offered to make one of your stories into a movie, which one would you choose and why?

Yeah it was my Nano story that is still going on xD And thank you so much it does mean a lot If i were offered to make one of them into a movie i would chose The Selective Mute Princess, and because this was one of the first stories i actually wrote sort of. It started off as something totally different and i changed it all and i came out with that. And as it's one of my first stories it's like my baby and not to blow my own trumpet, if you ignore the fact my editing is a bit all over, it's a good story and has almost a bit of everything in it. And after i have finished editing it and if i probably had the guts it would be the one i sent off to get published. That would be if i had the guts which i dont so that will never happen. But the one i would chose is definitely The Selective Mute Princess

You're welcome and i really meant that! Sooo cool!!! It'd be a good movie and i think a blockbuster! You should find those guts sam!!!!!!! So here's a random question, Who's you favourite male character in any book or in any tv shows?

I will never have the guts too much of a wimp xD plus then everybody would know my secret ;D I can't choose a favourite, but for a book it would be Alex out of Safe Haven. and tv show would be defo Klaus from TVD/TO

ok, ok xD Damn! Nice choices girl! Klaus sure is damn fine! *-* Ok sorry! Got a little distracted xD Ok so last question and your free of this torture! If you had to create a playlist for a two week road trip, which songs would it include?

Hehe i know Joseph Morgan can just get into my bed. Two week trip, it would have to be some key of awesome pariodies, some 1D, some T-Swift, and especially P!nk !

An interesting and cool mix Well that's it! Thank you so much Sam for the time! Any shoutouts?

Yeah , and yeah just the girls in TK that are awesome ;D

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