Chapter 1

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  The sun beamed down upon the rogue plains, casting its golden rays on all that laid below. The camp was bustling with activity. New-leaf hands paw-fulls of prey to all the clans. There was not a single cat who returned to camp without something hanging from their mouth. This was also a season full of new kittens. Another reason why this was their leader's favorite season. 

 A silvery tomcat sat atop his pile of rocks and old planks of wood, feeling the gentle breeze tug at his curly fur. He let out a long sigh while studying the world around him, shutting out the chatter of his pack.

"Uncle Ash?" A young she-cat meowed after sneaking up behind him.

"What is it, Flight?" His expression returning to its normal grumpy look.

"You said you'd take me and Cow to the twoleg place! Where all the kittypets and loners are. And that we get to fight them!" Flight's stripey tail swayed quickly in a dog-like manner.

"A promise is a promise.." Ash's dark amber eyes rolled as he got up from his spot. "Go get Cow and your father."

Flight nodded quickly and gracefully leaped down from the rocks. She dashed toward the apprentice bush with a large toothy grin plastered across her face. Her eyes closed as she ran toward the den, feeling the wind hit her face as she sped toward the thick bush.

There was a loud thud as Flight collided with a black and white tomcat a little bit smaller then her. The tabby she-cat got to her paws and giggled as the apprentice scurried out from under her.

"You really need to stop running with your eyes closed." Purred a dark ginger apprentice from her nest.

"I'm still practicing, Rosetta! I'll be great at it in a little while." Flight hissed back while playfully hitting her shoulder.

"Sure you will." Rosetta giggled and rolled onto her back.

"Well anyway, Ash is taking us to the twoleg place today!" Flight sat next to her black spotted friend.

"What for?" Lizard questioned from the corner of the den.

"He's gonna test our fighting skills."

"Pfft, a kittypet could kick your tails in a second." The brown apprentice chuckled.

Flight narrowed her eyes at her before turning back to Cow. However, Lizard continued with her taunting.

"I've fought two cats before and won. What have you done, Flight? Collect your little feathers?"

"At least I'm not a leader's pet!" The gray tabby spat.

"At least the leader thinks I'm a good warrior!"

Flight got up and stared Lizard in the eyes with a growled. The brown she-cat bared her fangs in a smirk. Her claws unsheathed slowly.

"You see these two dog teeth? She tapped a tooth in her collar. "Dad says they're a sign of how good of a warrior someone is. I have two, you have none. Now, who's the better warrior, hm-"

Lizard was cut off by claws smacking the side of her face. The tabby snarled and leaped at her biting her shoulder.

"Hey hey hey! Enough." A gray tom bit Flight's scruff gently, tugging her away from Lizard.

"But dad, I-"

"You can't attack your pack-mates, alright?"

The den went silent. The warrior sighed, his amber gaze focusing back on Flight. 

"Let's go you two before Ash gets antsy." He leaped from the den entrance, dashing quickly toward their leader who waited there.

Flight looked back at Lizard, giving her a cold glare. She turned away and padded over to her father with Cow at her side. Ash huffed and begin walking out of the camp. The three cats followed him closely as they travel down the hill their camp rested on. The she-cat's ears twitched as the thundering sound grew as loud as a thousand horses. She felt the ground getting stiffer and slicker.

Willow trees began to show up as they continued and the sound drew louder. They were nearing the gorge, a place the older apprentices described as a magical path the destiny. Ash leaped down from a short ledge onto a narrow path. It was on a tall cliff over a fast moving river. The waves crashed against the banks as if they were at war with them.

Flight's navy eyes widened as they studied the area. The willow trees lining the path gently swayed in the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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