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One morning Aphmau didn't wanna go to school because of yesterday Kai had broke her heart she never got to tell him how he felt about him he loved another girl. Aphmau had to go to school she tried to lie to her mom but it didnt work she still had to when she arrived she sat down on a bench but before she knew Kai arrived and was down the hall he said "Hey Aph" but in shock she ran away crying but then she bumped into Ein he had that animated character look he said "WHO HURT YOU"! She lied and said no one she was just feeling down. Aphmau then got called at the end of the day by Aaron he called and asked what was wrong because he found out what happened necause the werewolves took a picture but they thought it was Ein who hurt her but it wasnt it was Kai. What Aphmau didnt know was that Ein really liked her more than just a friend he loved not like a sister like Kai he loved her as a girlfriend but the next day Kai showed her who he liked and IT WAS KAITLYN Aphmau could never ruin her friends future relationship she could only try to be happy for her but the problem was she was stillhurting inside.
                      TO BE CONTINUED

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