4- Got Locked Out Again?

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"Bailey, get inside," Kylie's firm voice entered Bailey's ears like a muddy substance that the younger girl wanted her sister to repeat her statement.


Britney didn't seem to look at her own sisters as she attempted to contact someone through her phone. Kylie's annoyed expression began to mix with a pleading one.

"Now, Bailey."

"But why?" Bailey stubbornly asked, a little annoyed that she and Sean were bothered.

"Dad is why."

Bailey's mind froze for a whole second, before abruptly standing up and heading towards the car. Looking back at Sean as she fumbled to open the car door, she apologized.

"Sorry Sean, but I-"

"Bailey Sok!?"

Sean leaned forward to look at whoever called, before discovering that it was none other than the Fil-Am, Kenneth San Jose.

"Wow- Bailey!"

"We have to go," Kylie firmly pressed before scowling at the youngest Sok.

Bailey didn't say anything else and went into the car as fast as she can, with Britney stomping on the gas.

Upon reaching the waiting shed, Kenneth frowned as he watched the car zoom past him, failing to see Bailey in a closer distance. Sean would've been amused, if it weren't for the odd interaction between him and Bailey earlier.

"Well that sucks," Ken muttered before sitting down beside Sean. "D'you meet her?"

"Yeah," Sean answered slowly. "Weird."


Taking off her shoes, Tatiana Mcquay set her own pair on the shoe rack and headed to the room where the kitchen and the dining area shares the whole space. Kaycee Rice followed, familiar with the interior of the house.

"Got anymore shakes like the last time?" Kaycee asked, leaning forward on the kitchen counter. 

Tati shakes her head, but pulled out a pitcher of cold water instead. "Sorry no. You know what it's like when you have brothers."

Kaycee snickers before selecting the wifi of the house. "Speaking of brothers- is Gabe coming here?"

Tati shrugs. "Don't know, don't care." The girl starts to pick out two glasses.

Kaycee gave her a look of disbelief. "What's that all about?"

Tati shrugs again, then poured the cold water into the two glasses. She heaves a light sigh.

"Did something happen?" Kaycee asks in curiosity. "I won't blame you. Gabe can be too much when it comes to playing around."

"It's not that," Tati says. "It's just... he's been focusing more on his studies than me." She hands one glass of water to Kaycee. "I don't want to sound selfish, but, I really want us to have some more time together, and not be bothered by something else like... a World History test or something like that."

"Oh my," Kaycee tries to lighten the mood with a teasing smile. "I never thought I'd hear that from you, Tati."

"Shut up," Tati muttered before trying to avoid eye contact.

Kaycee giggles before sighing. "Look, it's fine to feel that way. I may not have been in a relationship, ever, but I think it's pretty normal. You want attention from your boyfriend, then okay! But word of advice," Kaycee's face turned a little serious, but soft; like a mother would tell on her child, who's feeling conflicted. "Be patient. If he has studies," she motions to herself, crossing her eyes, "then you've got me!"

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