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BTS Japan Official Fanclub Magazine - V Biography

Full of curiosity since childhood

A bright kid brought up by grandmother

I was born in the same place as Suga-hyung, Daegu, and lived in Geochang few years later. I have been a bright kid since kindergarten days, so my teachers adored me a lot too~! If I discover something pretty and bring it to them, my teachers would praise me "Wow, you did a great job!" and it made me happy. A close friend from the same Giraffe Class as me used to share me the green candy which was popular then, I miss that time.

I have a lot of childhood memories with my grandmother. She used to take me to the kindergarten and pick me up, and I would wait for that time when she came to pick me up everyday. She always bought me yuzu tea from the vending machine, it was really good.

At elementary school, I was a curious kid who wanted to do everything. I slept over at my friends' houses, and it was fun training for Taekwondo too. Many kids from my kindergarten went to the same elementary school as me, so I had a lot of friends. Everyday I would play with my friends at the playground until the sun came down.

But I didn't just play around only, I went to cram schools too. (laughs) I went from the 6th year of elementary school till 3rd year of middle school. I lived in the countryside so I didn't imagine of doing anything except for farming jobs in the future, but I still thought I had to study hard. That changed after I fell in love with music. I don't remember exactly when, but I nagged them "Buy me an MP3~! I want to listen too!" and then got to listen to various kinds of music. By the end of my 6th year, I had the dream of becoming a singer. It was my first time having a certain dream. 

Learning saxophone and dancing for the goal of becoming a singer

I started preparing for my dream from 1st year of middle school. My father asked "What do you want to do later?" and I answered "I want to become a singer." My father used to dream of becoming an actor, so after hearing my answer he told me very seriously "If you want to become a singer, you have to learn at least one instrument." So I learned saxophone for about 3 years. It looks cool but my lips hurt a lot and it was heavy too, it was quite hard. Despite that, I continued with the thought of "If I want to be a singer, I have to know how to play instruments." Thanks to practicing diligently, I even won first place at the Kyungnam competition!

In middle school, I used to dance K-pop dances at the place where the kids from dance club gathered. I was quite busy learning saxophone, dancing and going to cram schools at the same time.

In the remaining time, I had fun farming with my friend. I wasn't good at it but since my friend really liked farming, I was influenced and liked it too, so I kept on doing it.

I stopped learning saxophone because I wanted to focus on dancing more. Even if I become a singer, I wouldn't be cool if I can't dance. I wanted to learn it properly so after entering high school, I started going to dance class. About half a year later, Big Hit held a private audition. My friend said he was going to go there and asked me if I want to go, and since I had free time, I tagged along too. I danced, rapped and showed my voice imitations and gags at the audition. I thought I would fail for sure but then they contacted me saying I passed. I thought it was a lie. I was the only one in Daegu to pass. 

Trainee days full of memories with the members

I came up to Seoul in August, during my 1st year of high school, and went to the arts high school there, starting my trainee life. There were Jungkook, Suga-hyung, J-hope-hyung and Rapmon-hyung when I came there. I'm not shy of strangers so I got close with them really quick. Even the fact that I became a trainee made me happy, so I had so much fun everyday. Even so, because of the amount of practice, I couldn't spend my time as an ordinary high school student, but I made memories at the dorm or at the practice room. A thing I still remember until now is going to the amusement park on the 1st of January with the members, just the 7 of us. Everyone wanted to look cool so we all wore black. We really stood out. (laughs)

For reference, my style was always coordinated from the clothes my grandmother bought. My grandmother has fashion sense so she always chose me nice clothes.

After getting to debut, my existence was hidden till the end as a secret weapon. Because of that, there were times I couldn't say I was going to debut and was upset. The other members all had schedules, only I stayed behind at the dorm and rested... So when I was revealed, I was extremely happy. I was so happy thinking "My dream since the 6th year of elementary school finally came true!".

BTS is the first and the last team of my life. I want to go up together with the members to a high place until the end. I want to go up all the way till the end like that, looking back at things I have done so far and think "So I have worked this hard." If the chance comes, I want to try acting too, but it's not good doing things roughly. I want to try once I learn acting properly and feel okay about my acting.

trans by KTAEBWI @ tumblr


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