Limericks 101

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  • Dedicated to Mr. Canlas, my English teacher.

"Limericks 101"

There was a boy in school

Who did nothing but drool.

He was chided by the teacher;

He was counseled by a preacher,

And still continued to break the rules.

There was a man in a little house

Who constantly angered his spouse.

He ate cake all day,

And like a baby he played.

Then his spouse made him wear a blouse.

There was a fat boy in school

Who fights like a bull.

One time he fell down the stairs.

People laughed at him, and no one cared,

And he cried and squealed like a fool.

There was a fat boy in school

Who sat on a stool.

His weight made the tool crumble;

His body simply tumbled;

His classmates laughed at him for being a fool.

- 2010

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