An apple everyday keep a doctor away !

Beginne am Anfang

"Yah ! Min Yoongi ! Who do you think you are ? Clean your mess right now !"

"Okay.." he smirked at me. Uh oh.. he leaned on me and licked my cheek sensually, "there, clean as a new pin !" He smiled at me. Me ? I was crimson red. Because first, it was embarrassing and second, damn it's just me or it's hot in there ?

"I hope this chocolate was good..!" I exclaimed, hoping that I will be less embarrassed.

"Wanna taste it ?" Did you say chocolate ? OF COURSE I WANNA TASTE IT YOU FOOL ! I nodded my head vigorously. He approached me, reducing the gap between our lips but then he took a chocolate bar out of his pocket, "voilà. Chocolate !" He grinned at me. I sighed and took it.

"Oh ! Caution !" Yoongi trapped me in his arm before I fall (fall~).

"Oh ! Um... Thanks.. Yoongi," he put his hand on my cheek and stroked it.

"Just Yoongi ? Not cute nickname ?"

"Nah sorry..." I said, moving away from him.

"I have an idea ! Call me oppa !" He wore a mischievous smile.

"Uh.. no."

"Jagiya ! Come on ! Do it for me !" He pouted. But then he get closer to my ear, "or else.... I'll punish you !" He whispered. I whispered back in his ear.

"Aren't you doing too much ?"

"Nah it's perfect ! I saw that Taehyung was shocked and he started to text someone. And a little bird told me that the person he's sending a message to is Jimin.." he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Okay. But he must hurry because it's already..." I checked the hour, "12:01 ! Oh my god we're late for lunch !"

"We're only one minute late...."

"Guys it's lunchtime ! We're going to the cafeteria !"

Jimin POV

"This bastard of Kang Dong Joo- uh I mean Kang Dong J-"

Ting !

Can't I watch a drama without interruption ?

I unlocked my phone to see who sent me a message.

I unlocked my phone to see who sent me a message

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Fashion Designer {pjm x reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt