Confronted, Then Captured

Start from the beginning

"Where can I find the beach?"

"Just follow a trail that's going down the mountain, and you'll find it." Frisk said.

"Great. Thanks, guys."

"No problem. Just be careful because the trail is steep."

Alex turned to Frisk before she reached the door. "What?"

"I'm just kidding." Frisk laughed. "The trip down is easy. Just be aware of your surroundings."

After Alex left Delta Number 3, she found the trail down and started making her way to the beach. As she looked around her surroundings, she searched for any hidden enemies waiting to strike. Fortunately, there were none, so she kept walking until she found the beach, where she found Jonas and Blake sitting next to each other and watching the waves roll on the damp sand. She couldn't help but grin, so she approached them until she got their attention.

"Hey. How did you find us?" Blake said.

"Ren said you guys were here, so I decided to find you guys." Alex crossed her arms. "What are you two doing here?"

"We were just watching the ocean hit the shore." Jonas replied. "Asriel said that if we look at the waves for an extremely long time, it's relaxing. You should try it."

"Uh, sure. Okay."

As soon as Alex sat down, she turned to the ocean. She watched as the waves crashed onto the shore and roll back into the cold water. She stared for a long time, and she was starting to feel calm.

"Wow. This is relaxing." Alex said as she stared at the ocean.

"Yep. Really relaxing." Blake agreed. "So, where have you been?"

"Nat took me to this old lighthouse on the top of the mountain to hang out. It's just a lighthouse, but the view of the ocean looked amazing from far up. We even saw a whale."

"Lucky you."

"Yeah, but it was a little bit weird."

"Why's that?" Jonas wanted to know.

"Thorax, he was there as well, asked me if I was into anyone." Alex looked at Jonas and Blake. "That made me think that he probably has a crush on me."

"I doubt that." Jonas said while scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, come on. Thorax is still learning." Blake said in response.

"True, but still." Alex stood up. "I know he's just a changeling that is still learning about the world, but I'm not sure about love. I mean, I think I just see him as a friend and that's it."

"I won't tell the guy that you said that." Jonas said.

"Cross your heart?"

"Cross my heart."

Blake couldn't help but smile as Alex turned back to the ocean, then looked up at the sky.

"You know, it's a great night." Alex said with her eyes on the stars. "Even greater to find the constellations."

"Like that one." Blake pointed to the sky until the others looked up to find a constellation in the form on an eagle.

"You mean the Aquila constellation?" Jonas stood up.

"Yeah. I once found a book about constellations." Blake stood up. "There was this one constellation that took the form of a harp. I know what it looks like, but I'm blanking on what it's called."

"That was the Lyra constellation." Alex replied.

"Huh." Blake chuckled. "I have got to show you guys that book sometime."

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