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"STAND DOWN, Vixens," Cheryl barked and the cheerleaders settled from their dance (to which Veronica was the star), just in time to watch Kara rush in

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"STAND DOWN, Vixens," Cheryl barked and the cheerleaders settled from their dance (to which Veronica was the star), just in time to watch Kara rush in. "Kara," Cheryl chirped, and the strawberry blonde spun to face her, but her puffy, red eyes were cast to the ground. "You're late."

"I-I'm sorry," Kara stammered out, her cheeks almost as red as her hair, "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," Cheryl cut in, giving a passive-aggressive smile. She flipped her curls over her shoulders and turned back to the other girls. Kara rushed to a spot beside Betty and Veronica, her eyes glued to the ground. This day could not get worse...

"Listen up," Cheryl continued, "The weather's predicting a downpour the night of the rally, but already, you're raining on my parade." She walked in front of the girls like some deranged army general, scrutinizing their every move.

"With Jason so present in our collective consciousness, all eyes will be on me," she said. Her eyes shone brightly with arrogance. "Will this beautiful, exotic, hothouse flower drown under the town's scrutiny or be swamped by her emotions? The answer is no, and no."

Kara felt like rolling her eyes. Cheryl was so... extra. She didn't need another redheaded, cocky attitude right now.

"That said," Cheryl smiled, "I need star power. I need the Pussycats." She waved her hand dismissively. "Stay loose and limber, ladies, while I make a call."

Kara wiped at her already red eyes as she sat with Veronica and Betty, stretching out their legs. "After this practice, I'll totally need a pedicure," Veronica laughed shakily, massaging her calves, "You guys?"

Neither of the girl's responded. Kara wasn't even moderately mad at Veronica- she just wasn't in the mood, her thoughts constantly a turmoil of Archie Andrews.

Archie and Miss Grundy?Last she checked, that was illegal. But most of all, Kara couldn't believe she had let herself be fooled like that. Fooled into thinking she could actually have a shot with one of the hottest guys in school.

"I know everyone grieves differently," Veronica continued when no one responded, "But Cheryl hosting a pep rally to cope with her loss... That's either brilliant or psychotic, or both."

Betty huffed. "Yeah, well, at least Cheryl's not putting on an act." Kara looked at her, eyes narrowed. "Pretending she's a butterfly when she's really a wasp." The redhead bit her lip, refraining from blowing up on the blonde girl. She's hurt, Kara had to remind herself, and you hurt her.

"For the record," Kara said quietly, "I only went into the closet with Archie so that Cheryl wouldn't." Betty ignored her. Veronica glanced at Kara. "So, you did it to protect Betty, right?"

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