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Melody waited for Vanessa and Jason at the lunch table. Vanessa was the first to show up.

"You still need to tell me something about that Jason guy."

"I know. Just not right now. He's coming."

Vanessa looks over her shoulder and gives Jason a dirty look. "Geez Nessa," Jason says while setting down his lunch tray. "You don't have to be a bitch since I'm stealing Melody away from you." Melody and Vanessa look at him with a surprise look on their face. "Look here asshole, who do you think you are calling a bitch?! And it's Vanessa not Nessa. Melody is the only one that can call me Nessa. Got that?" Vanessa says angrily towards him. Jason rolls his eyes, grabs his lunch tray and walks away from the girls.

"How could you like that jerk? He's rude to your best friend!" Vanessa asked Melody.

"He was in a good mood earlier today... I wonder what happened?"

"Are you gonna tell me about his parents or not Mel's?"

"Not now, I need to see what's up." Melody got up from the table and followed Jason.


"Before you punch me or yell at me or whatever, I'm sorry for yelling at Vanessa. I'm just not in a good mood right now."

"Jason what's wrong?"

"Melody, it's nothing. Trust me. I'm just having an off day."

"You were in a good mood in the morning. Please, I wanna help you..."

"Believe it or not but I um...kinda have this thing for you..." Jason quickly said as he looked down on the floor. Melody's eyes widen.



"That doesn't explain why you were rude to Vanessa."

"I know. Something happened that put me in a bad mood. I was gonna ask you to come with me somewhere but I can't. Bruce needs me home right away."

Melody hugs Jason tight. "It's okay, there's always next time. I was also gonna ask you if you can walk me home but I'll have Vanesa take me." She says.

"I have an idea!" Jason says. "I'll text Bruce and see if I can have Alfred take you and Vanesa home."

"You don't have to do that Jason." Jason take out his phone and texts Bruce.

J:Yo Bruce, can Alfred pick me and my friends up from school? Just to take them home and I'll come straight home. Please?
B: How about I pick you guys up instead? I gave Alfred the day off.
J: Sounds good to me B-man! 😂
B: ...don't ever say that again...

Jason looked at Melody. "To late hon, I already asked. I'll drop you and Vanessa at your place."

"Alright Jason. But you need to apologize to Vanessa first."

"Fare enough. Let's go." Jason followed Melody back to the lunch table where Vanessa was talking to a guy that was clearly twice her age.

"Dick?" Jason said.

"There you are! I needed to tell you something from Bruce. But your friend told me that you were being rude to her."

"Dick, not now. I know what Bruce wants to talk to me. I'll see him after school. Go back to the Manor I'll see you there."

"Apologize to Vanessa and then I'll leave Jason."

"Ugh I hate you. Vanessa, I'm sorry for being rude to you."

"And?" Vanessa said with a smirk

"And calling you a bitch..." after Jason apologized the bell rang, signaling that it was time for them to head to class. Dick walked Jason to his next class while Melody and Vanessa walked to the library. Melody told Vanessa Jason's plan for after school then they both talked about that guy from lunch.

Richard 'Dick' Grayson

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