13; why would you?

Start from the beginning

After adjusting my hair in the bun, I opened the room to see Tyler and Jenna tickling each other before they saw me. Their jaws dropped when they saw me, and I closed the door before smiling.

"Whattie?" I asked them. "Is it too much?"

"NO!" they both screamed, making me jump a bit. "Josh will love it!"

"Love what?" Josh said coming out of the living room.

His eyes laid on mine before he opened his mouth and closed it before sticking his tongue out and did his eye squint when he smiled at me. "You look pretty!" he said hugging me all gingerly.

I smiled before we left Tyler's place to go to the restaurant.

When we got there, I was feeling a bit queezy with all of the attention the others were giving me with my outfit. It was just something, and it felt like they were making it a big deal.

"Why are you guys making my outfit so fancy and perfect when I'm wearing it?" I asked them.

"You look perfect in it!" "Have you dressed like that? EVER?!" Jenna and Tyler said in different sentences before I looked at Josh who was with hands in pockets.

"I love whatever you wear," Josh said taking his hands out of his pockets. "Even without anything."

His smile made be blush before Tyler said "Not. Now."

Josh stuck his tongue out before opening the door and leading us in.

We were served a table for outside and it felt a bit weird to at a big table, and I was still able to enjoy hanging with friends and boyfriend. I could tell Josh was wanting to sit with JUST me, and Jenna whispered something to Tyler before he said "Why don't you guys sit over there?"

The waiter seemed confused at first, and I added "We were actually gonna sit at a table together, but it was just for the little double date we had for separate tables."

She nodded and pointed to the corner table that Josh and I took while Tyler and Jenna sat a few feet away from us.

Josh moved the seat to have me sit down before I thanked him and he sat down.

"Well... You excited?" he said clapping his hands.

I nodded before I said "It feels so... so..."

Josh raised his eyebrows I finished "Perfect to be seeing you."

He took it for granted and kissed me gently before adding "We're also getting drunk too."

I was pretty shocked when he said that, and I gave a concerned look before looking at Jenna and Tyler laughing.

Drunk. That word was making me question if I was really capable of handling it like last time...

"Hey," Josh said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You okay, babe?"

I looked at him before nodding, and he scooted his chair real close to me before saying "If it's a real date, we should be this close."

I smiled before looking at the menu with all the listed stuff.

*12:13 AM*

"-and... then I said... We need to go and..." Josh said slurring with his words before I kept laughing at how much he was being drunk Josh at this stage.

I had to fake getting drunk at first to play off with me feeling a bit awake with the few wine glasses I had with Josh drunk off of Vodka along with Jenna and Tyler.

"Ummm..." I said a little concerned. "I'm gonna go get the check. I'll be right back."

I kissed his cheek before I took the big napkin off my lap before I heard Josh said "Hurry back! I want to do cuddles with you at home!"

I giggled before feeling my cheeks go red and I went to get a waiter to check out the two tables outside.

Unfortunately, I had to do the little bad thing for me and use all my money for paying Tyler and Jenna's bill along with me and Josh's bill too.

Spending over less than $700 bucks was really making me feel concerned, and I sighed before thanking the waiter and going to get Josh.

"Tyler! Jenna! We're going home now!" I said picking Josh up from the chair. "Come on! Let's go down the steps!"

Tyler and Jenna got up slowly before almost falling over and I panicked before Josh whispered "You're so hot..."

I sighed before giggling and struggling to get Josh in the passenger seat. It took a while for him to sit down and be comfortable before I helped Tyler and Jenna in the back seat.

After getting everyone in the car, the waiter said "You sure they're okay?"

I nodded. "They just wanted to get drunk, but I'm not really sure for me though... Thank you for the service and caring so much."

She nodded and I started the ignition with so much commotion going on and I had to roll down the windows for some air to get to everyone's face.

Along the way, I had to play some music to make me feel comfortable, which made me put on Guns For Hands. I loved Blurryface album already along with Vessel and Regional at Best.

Once we got home with all the commotion, I decided to just stay at Tyler's place than to go and drop Josh at my house.

"Guys?" I said before looking with Tyler and Jenna almost asleep before looking at Josh passed out.

I sighed and shouted in my little soft voice "GUYS!"

They all woke up in a frantic before I said "Come on! Let's go to the elevator carefully."

Tyler got out before rubbing his eyes and saying "Vi? I'm starting to have some little part of me back. Sorry for almost making you take care of us though, I got Jenna."

I nodded before he helped Jenna out, carrying her bridal style.

I wished Josh would do that to me, but it was the opposite for my situation.

After getting Josh out of the car, I led him into the elevator along with Tyler sitting carrying Jenna, who was asleep.

It took over a hour to finally get everything back to normal before I got in my pajamas and saw Josh moving back and forth before I giggled a bit and went on the bed.

"Nooo! I don't want no one on my bed!" Josh said still drunk. "Me no want to deal with peeps."

I giggled again before he turned and saw me.

"Ooohh! Violet is here! That's a change."

Judging from his little faint him, I went under the covers and snuggled to him before he hugged me and said "Love you Violet... very much!"

"Shhh..." I said holding his cheek with my hand. "Tyler and Jenna are sleeping. Let's go to sleep too."

I kissed his lips before he stopped going crazy and rested his head on the pillows before I giggled again and went to sleep too.

Josh is so cute when he sees me, and instantly changes character whenever it comes to his eyes.

oi, so much going on

okay, more parts coming along the way!!


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