"Your really special you know that" she whispered quietly. He smiled leaning toward her and softly placing a kiss on her lips and she responded eagerly deepening the kiss. Her tongue easily dominated his as they laid together in bed kissing. She wrapped her arms around him so that his head lay on her chest. Softly petting his hair, she laid with him staring at the ceiling thinking maybe this could work after all.



A stream of sunlight from the window hit his eyes making him groan groggily. He blinked trying to adjust to the bright sunlight as he awoke still wrapped in Ravens arms; she was still sleeping soundly. A smile came to his face as he stared at her peacefully sleeping face for a moment then at the ceiling. For the first time in his life he finally knew what having someone meant. It meant having someone who cared about you as much as you cared about them. There was something special about Raven Carnell, she was beautiful, smart, protective and he loved everything about her.

Did he love her? Yea... maybe.

Moving away from his thoughts his eyes found the clock that read 6:30; it was still pretty early but maybe he should do something nice for her. Like make her breakfast or something. Even though he had never cooked anything in his life, he could at least try as a thank you for inviting him to stay for the night. Carefully removing himself from her arms, he climbed off the bed put on his pants and shirt then headed into the bathroom to clean himself up. After he finished in the bathroom, he grabbed his glasses and headed down the stairs to the kitchen.

He didn't notice last night but the kitchen was actually large and much nicer than the one at his house. It smelled like flower scented candles and...bleach? Maybe her parents cleaned often. Speaking of parents his father was probably waiting at the house to tear his head off. He imagined him waiting by the door and as soon as he entered he would be blindsided with a bottle to the head or maybe his fist. He flinched imaging the the scars he would leave on his body this time.

After the beating he would make sure Raven never saw him like that. He didn't want to scare her off, with how he looked after a beating. Shaking away the fearful thoughts he settled on making her a simple fruit salad with either coffee or orange juice. There were fresh fruits on the counter and there was bound to be something to drink for breakfast in the fridge. Walking over to the fridge his fingers grasped the handle and pulled it open-

"What the fuck are you doing?" a voice questioned eerily from the stairs making him slam the fridge door close in fear as he turned to face a man standing with his arms crossed. He was scowling at him and a twinge of unease crept down his spine. Who was this guy?

"I'll ask again since you haven't responded. Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing here?" The man took a menacing step toward him and he froze trying to find the words that were caught in his throat.

"I'm.....Hunter Wills.....Ravens boyfriend" he stuttered and the man nodded smiling wide.

"Oh so your Hunter Ravens mentioned you a lot. I apologize if I made you nervous. I'm Jax her older brother" he said extending a hand and he shook it.

"Its fine. She invited me over last night. She didn't tell me she had a brother".

"We usually like to introduce people face to face before we talk about them" he smiled warmly and Hunter smiled in return.

"So as an older brother I gotta ask. What are your intentions toward my little sister?" Jax leaned casually against the doorframe waiting for an answer.

"Well I like Raven a lot. She's different from any other person I've ever met. She's nice, sweet and beautiful. My intention is that I just want to make her happy" he answered honestly and Jax nodded appeased by his answer.

"Good answer and your just like she talked about. Your right that she is different in fact you'll never meet anyone else like her in your life so I would hold onto her if I were you" he said and Hunter nodded not planning to let Raven go for anything.

"Since you like Raven so much has she told you about our family and what we do?" he asked casually.

"No she really didn't mention it".

"Then how about I show you" Jax smiled wide "You me and our cousin Billy how about we go hunting and I can show and tell you all about our family". The offer was tempting because if he got to know Jax then maybe that would make Raven happy and he really wanted to know everything about her so he decided to go.

"Okay hunting sounds good".

"Great wait right here and I'll get my stuff and awake Billy. We can get something to eat on the way out" he said dashing upstairs leaving him standing there in the kitchen. Honestly he was excited to be spending the day with her brother and cousin. He could get to know them and hopefully get in there good graces; this was a good thing but he wouldn't deny that a strange feeling passed through him. A feeling that whatever they had planned wasn't going to be good but he chalked it all up to his nerves as Jax came downstairs holding a tiny duffel bag with Billy right behind him.

"I hope you ready to go hunting"Billy huffed tiredly and Hunter nodded then paused.

"I should go tell Raven I'm leaving".

"Don't worry about it I left her a note saying we're going hunting" Jax told him walking out the door with Billy. Hunter glanced toward the stairs and headed out behind them.

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