Destination earth Part 1

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It was in the year sixteen forty five during the English civil war on the North east coast of England, where a fierce battle took place between the Royalist army and the parliamentary army known as the Roundheads. Swords clashed and cannons fired as the two armies fought for their rights, none would submit and for hours the bloody battle went on. Finally it was over as bodies lay across an open field some wounded and some dead, as the day was ending people were collecting their friends and relatives and taking them to a nearby village called Cournaby hay. The local church sounded its bell as a welcome to the local village people for evening song and prayers.

One man who was found near the area of the battle was taken to the house of a lady called Prudence who was a healer and asked to care for the man, she was already caring for a girl called Rachel who she discovered in the woods when she was searching for herbs. Rachel was very young when Prudence found her about six year's old dressed in rags and covered in mud. Prudence was a middle aged spinster who was a little large in weight and short in stature, she had rosy cheeks and a radiant smile, she was neatly dressed wearing a pale green dress and a white cap and apron. She had a stern manner and could be mistaken for speaking abruptly at times, she spoke plainly and often spoke her mind to everyone.

Rachel entered the kitchen wearing a brown dress and a white apron and matching bonnet, she was slim and elegant with a glowing complexion. She brushed past Prudence with a bunch of flowers in her hand.

"Rachel what have you there?" Prudence asked

"I have flowers for our guest, it may help him to recover" She said merrily

"Honestly child they are Lilies and will help him sleep" Prudence said smiling

"Well I want to cheer him up, lighten his day" Rachel replied

"Very well put them on his tray and you can take them up to him" Prudence advised "Let me look at you child, by the stars how you have grown, you were once a child and now you are in your twenties, but still my little child"

"I fear that I am growing so fast and yet I have never seen the world and seek adventure" Rachel said "I wish I could remember what happened to me before I met you"

"Bless you, but there are dangers out there and you need to be aware of them" Prudence suddenly looked worried "I fear for the future and don't think of your past, it will only disturb you"

"I fear that I may have been the subject of cruelty or abuse" Rachel said concerned

"Now, enough silliness go and take the mans soup to him" Prudence said dismissively�A�A��$

Rachel picked up the tray and walked towards the stairs, she reached the top of the stairs and headed across the landing towards the room. Then entered quietly walking towards a table beside the bed, she pulled up a chair and sat for a while watching the man sleep. Eventually she woke him up speaking in a soft gentle voice so that she didn't startle him.

"David wake up its time to eat" She said "Tapped him gently on the shoulder, and repeated "David wake up"

The man awoke and gazed into her blue eyes, and then noticed her fair hair tucked under her bonnet "Who are you?" He asked

"I am Rachel" she replied

"Rachel" He said watching her pick up the bowl of soup "What is this?"

"This is vegetable soup made by my mother Prudence" Rachel replied

"Who am I? He asked confused

"I have been told that you are David Whittaker and you were wounded by a stray musket shot during a battle, you had straight into the line of fire as an innocent passer by" Rachel explained

"But none of it makes sense, why was I there?" Whittaker asked

"Just eat and rest, all will be explained later" Rachel insisted

"How long have I been here?" Whittaker asked

"Weeks I think, Prudence usually tends to you and my uncle James"

Whittaker tasted the soup that Rachel was feeding him and became silent,he could feel discomfort in his shoulder where the bullet pierced his skin, buthe also felt dizzy and confused. He had been experiencing strange thoughts anddreaming about a completely different world, alien to this one within a massivesphere, with lights all around him and many voices speaking in a strangetongue. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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