Chapter 46

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A/N: The song in this chapter is called 'Don't You Love Me Too?' by the amazing Raven_Ayers. She writes amazing songs, stories and poems. I'm honored that one of her songs are in my book and that she is one of my best friends. So, thank you Raven. You made this chapter amazing.


Chapter 46

I woke up due to the fact of someone crawling into bed with me. Anthony had given me sleep syrup again because I could relax enough for sleep, so I was pretty much knocked out. I wrapped my arm around whoever it was as they snuggled into me. It was probably mom. She must've had a bad day at work. I pulled her closer to me and sighed happily. I was glad she was here. The bed was getting cold without her.

"K-Kellin?..." My eyes snapped open when I heard the voice. That wasn't mom's voice. It was Taylor's.

'You idiot. She's dead.' I looked down at Taylor. He was crying and looking up at me.

"Tay what's wrong?" I whispered, wiping off his tears. He sobbed and looked down.

"S-Sam....H-he broke up-p w-with m-e." he mumbled, taking my hand and playing with my fingers.

"Wha-why?" I'm honestly surprised he could hear me. My voice was croaked and hoarse and sounded horrible. My head was still hurting, but not as bad. I was still aching all over but it wasn't as bad. My jaw was hurting for some reason. I'm not sure why.

"I don't know....He was walking around with some girl after school-I was supposed to go see him after school-and I was like, 'Oh Sam is this your cousin?' because he had been talking about his cousin moving in and he scoffed and said, 'She's my girlfriend. We've been dating for a few months. We're over.' and I didn't know what to do so I came to you...." he whimpers out, looking up at me with his puppy eyes. He always had them on. His eyes were always wide and happy. Now they were wide and sad. I wiped off a few of his tears and shook my head.

"Don't cry. He's not worth it." Taylor shook his head back and moved closer to me.

"B-but I love h-him...." I knew that wasn't true. Taylor might have loved him, but it was just puppy love. For something to be true love, it has to go both ways, or at least that's how I see it. Sam obviously didn't return the love Taylor was giving him. It kinda reminded me of dad and I. I loved him, but he would never return that love. It was sad to think that, if I just had a little love from him, I wouldn't be like I am now. That's all I ever wanted. I just wanted someone to give me attention. I was in no way an attention seeker though. I hide how skinny I was. I hide my cuts. But I still wanted someone to notice and hug me then promise that everything would be okay, even though I knew it was a lie. There just something about that lie that makes it so appealing though. It's one of those lies that could become truth at any time. I doubt it'll become truth for me anytime soon though.

"Well I don't think he loved you back Taylor. Besides, he hit you, didn't he?" Taylor looked at me and nodded.

"Yea but h-"

"No Taylor. Don't defined him. You don't beat someone you love. To be honest, it's good you left him. Him hitting you....It could've gotten worse. Quickly. And don't blame it on him being bipolar or having anger issues. That's not a reason for him to push you around." I mumbled, pushing his hair back. The dye was starting to fade out and you could start seeing ginger hair. I hope he kept it natural for a while. It was cute on him. He looks up at me and slowly nods, moving closer to me.

"H-ey Kel?" he sniffles out. Even though he had stopped crying, he was still sniffling a bit. I look into his eyes then quickly look back down. I've always had trouble with eye contact. I'm not sure why; I just always blamed my social anxiety.

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