{1} Dreaming of Riley {Love To Hate}

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  • Dedicated to Carrie Rubidge

Hey Guyz!! Me again =), sorry for the slow updates on stories, (and fast ones on all my damn poems BUT here we go)

So, since I feel Valiant is the sort of story that only those who enjoy the supernatrual aspects can appriciate, I'm starting a new story.

Much to my bestfriend Carrie's dismay :P

So anywayz this is a new, more REAL story,

Hope you like it!

Vote, comment, Fan (!) :D


Dreaming of Riley

Chapter 1: Love to Hate

His hands roamed my figure, caressing my skin. His warm breath hit my skin in a steady rhythm.

He kissed his way along my body, kissing my skin with a gentle passion.

We kissed; and it was if the whole world stopped, and a million and one fireworks sparked to life in an instant.

His tongue traced mine, sending a hundred, electrifying vibrations up my spine.

His arms wove around me as I nestled deeper, and closer into him.

His warm, soft felling, his large, caressing hands.

His smell, his breath, his,

Suddenly I jolted upwards, only to realize, to my absolute horror that I was sitting in fourth period Mathematics. My classmates were staring, some gaping and some snivelling, apparently I had been the centre of their attention this past minute.

I then realized that my teacher, Ms. Apalberg was glaring at me from the front of my desk, saying. Wait, no, yelling, "Peyton!"

"Peyton, how many times do I have to tell you to pay attention? If you aren't going to learn anything here, why do you bothering coming to school?" She screeched at me.

"Uh, how about the fact that it's the law," I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Peyton, I'm tired of your attitude. I'm giving you a weeks detention."

"A week?" I screamed in frustration. "I am not doing a week's detention!"

"Two weeks," she stated, face and voice completely dead pan.

I stared at her in disbelief.

"You can't be serious." I said, finally managing to find my voice.

"Oh, believe me, Miss Weber, I am."

I stared at her, my jaw hanging wide open.

Next, the deafening ringing of the lunch break bell rang.

Saved by the bell, I thought. Not.

As soon as I slung my smiley face covered bag over my shoulder, and began for the door which lead to freedom, I could suddenly feel Kimi's presence.

Kimi McKlaire's my bestfriend and she's one of those perfect honey-blonde, blue-eyed girls.

She's artistic and sporty, funny, kind and good at almost everything, except sometimes she can be completely dense.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her, I really do. It's just that sometimes she can't help being a typical stereotype blonde.

"So, I bet I know what you were dreaming about," She said, waggling her eyebrows.

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