September 18

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JONAH FELT SAMANTHA STRETCH BESIDE HIM. In the morning chill, he wished he had not gallantly taken the zipper side of the sleeping bag. She pressed against his chest and covered him with the slack.

"I will have you as my husband," she whispered in the still-dark room.

He sucked in his breath. He sensed she enjoyed striking fear in him, even if it was just a little.


"I enjoy sex with you. Unless there is someone else, someone that you truly love, I want you. You said you might've loved me, here's your chance."

Jonah nodded. "And who will be your other husband?" he asked.

"I don't know yet. Galie has the heart of a boy, I don't know if he's ever even had sex. Growing up Catholic, he got a lot of mixed messages."

"Perhaps you can have Oliver. We still need him. And I know you like him."

Her blue eyes met his. "I like his...stability, how he treats his wife. If he came to me, I wouldn't love him anymore, but he might be useful."

Jonah pulled her close. His hand moved across her hip. "He is smart. Educated. He might be able to see what we can't."

"Would you perform the Great Rite with me so I have strength for another love potion?"

Jonah smiled. "You still ask me?"

"Of course. I'd never force you...or anyone. Like you, I sacrificed my heart to save to world, not destroy the good within it."

"You're my priestess." Jonah kissed her. "Should we go to the Grove?"

"Everywhere is sacred," Samantha answered. "Know the words for the ritual?"

Jonah nodded. "I always do my homework."

He unzipped the sleeping bag, and pulled himself out, careful to keep her covered. He felt her gaze upon him as he added another log to the woodstove and stoked the fire. "What are you thinking, Priestess?"

"With the fire behind you like that, you look like you belong on a movie poster."

He kneeled at her feet. "Let me know when you are warm enough."

"I'll be okay." She pushed the sleeping bag off.

"Altar of mysteries manifold, the sacred Circle's secret point. With kisses of my lips anoint you as in old."

He kissed her lips. "And the sacred place is the point within the center of the circle. The center is the origin of all things." He kissed her belly. "Therefore we adore it; whom we adore we also invoke."

Samantha said, "Goddess Chay-yi, we invoke you, so we might do your will. Soul of infinite space, by seed and root, and stem and bud, and leaf, flower and fruit, we invoke you."

"Open for me the secret way, beyond the gates of night and day..."

As he inched down, Samantha could not hear his muffled invocation, but she knew the words. "Here where the Lance and Grail unite..." and he took his time. Offering her many kisses between her legs.

"And feet..." Jonah gently kissed the instep of each of foot. "And knees..."

She shivered in delight as he lifted her legs and kissed behind her knees, rather than the front. Her reaction to his touch thrilled him. They might be happy together. "And breast..."

He kissed her breasts, each one in turn. "And lips."

She pushed him into her as he pressed his lips to hers.

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