"Summer Love" Preview

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Hola, amigos!

#1: For those of you who read that update chapter, scratch that. It's gone and deleted. HERE'S what I'm going to do regarding love interests...

You can now pick a member of One Direction to be your love interest! It might be a bit easier that way. Now for those of you I've written stories for (here's looking at you McKenzie!) I will change the character to be one of the boys if you want :)

Now these stories will be more like long One Direction imagines, haha.

#2: I have started writing the next short story "Summer Love" but I still need a female character! If you're interested, fill out the info at the end of the chapter and send it to me!

#3: Here's a sneak peek at "Summer Love":

            "What do you want?” she asked wearily.

            “I-I,” I stammered, “I guess I just came here to say I’m sorry. Believe me, I don’t want us to spend our last night together fighting.”

            She stared at me for a moment. Then she slowly nodded and said, “Me neither… but babe, this wasn’t going to last forever. Spending the summer with my grandma was just temporary, so why did you get so upset earlier? If I remember correctly, the first time we met you told me that you weren’t interested serious relationships.”

            I scratched the back of my neck, avoiding eye contact with her. “Maybe I…” I trailed off, my nerves getting the best of me.

            “Maybe what?” she pressed.

And that's the preview!


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