"So when I jumped that day.. off of that cliff. That's when he found me?" I asked him.

"Quite the mistake you made, darling." He vaguely answered.

A few hoops and hollers were heard off into the distance back in the house. Zeus looked at me and an evil look flushed his face.

"Come darling," he smiled, "I have some people I'd like you to meet."

He led me into the mansion and as we neared closer to the sound I knew exactly who they were. The boys from the field.

Zeus walked in and I hid behind him. I wasn't one to be shy but in this moment I felt vulnerable.. it was something I wasn't used to.

They were a rambunctious group of men, they all were doing reckless things like throwing darts at each other and a few of them held bottles of liquor in their hands.

In fact two boys whom I recognized as the ones from the bow and arrow dilemma were holding fire to the one boys arrow wound, I watched as it began to heal slowly, each cell of skin replacing the bloody hole in his back.

Must be some type of God that heals with fire..

Suddenly the chatter began to quiet down and succumb to a silence. Zeus had moved and left me standing there in all of my pajama glory.

"Damn," a dark haired boy said, "he didn't say you were that hot." An array of chuckles left the group of boys before me.

"Careful boys," Zeus spoke beside me in his accent, "She's Poseidon's property.. he would kill any of you if you so much as touched her."

"Yeah we saw just how much stronger he was than you on the field," the dark haired boy said again earning laughter from his friends.

Zeus's eyes lit with lighting.

I didn't see Poseidon anywhere. I wondered where he'd run off to.. Fin however was in the corner silent as ever.

"Lets teach Alice what Gods can do," Zeus smirked and the other boys agreed.

"You alright?" I heard Fin approach as I sat on the stone wall whilst all the men around me attempted to show off.

"I'm fine," I told him. "Why did you bring me here?"

"They know how to help you here," he motioned towards my arm.


"Be patient, Alice." He commanded.

How can I be patient when my arm looks like it's about to be amputated?

He began to walk away and return to the fun but I stopped him, "You still owe me pancakes, you know that right?"

The tips of his mouth toppled up and he suppressed a wide smile, "Right," he left me there on the stone wall and I watched on as they all looked like little boys trying to see who's toy car was the best.

I quickly slipped away from the raging group of boys as my mind couldn't stop wondering how this is all possible. I didn't know much about Greek Mythology and I wanted answers.

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