Out cast, Mithross (kingdoms AU)

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It's gonna sound weird, but my inspiration came from both Lion King'
Movies (Raw 🦁)Even tho it ends up sounding like a mix of 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'The Lion King movies
---Cait 🦁 👬💏

*~Max's  P.O.V~*
I was told that I can't stay here any longer and that I need to venture into the Main Lands, I was stuck in the Wast lands for being the son of an outcast and now I'm being sent into Un known teratory because we were running out on food and they wouldn't kill me straight away if they found me, that's what I am getting ready to venture out to do.

"Daaaad! Dad!? DAD" I shouted walking around the cave like house looking for my Dad
"What?!" He shouted walking down the stairs
"I'm ready to go out, I've analysed all the maps read all the books and now know what route I'm going to take and what shops will be closed so I can rob them, I've also found ways to get into those shops without the alarm going off and having a low chance of people seeing me, I now realise how much of a nerd I sound" I chuckle

"That's great Max now get going before anything changes our plans" he says as I run out the door and sneak over to town

-Magical time skip to Max getting into town-
*~Max's P.O.V~*
The town was lovely, brightly coloured houses and decorations among the streets with decorations as bright as the houses.

"ah the first shop" I mutter quietly to myself as I walk around back making sure no one sees me, it's even more of a danger today since the royal family were in town which I didn't know until minutes ago. I climb onto the roof and open a hatch walking in and taking some food, medical supplies and other things before climbing out and back onto the streets with my bags like I was a busy shopper, before running into someone as I was about to go home.

"shit" I mutter to myself as I get up and see who I bumped into...Prince Ross, damn he's cute no wonder there are so many girls and guys trying to marry him I think as I lower my hood more so he can't see my face and arrest me.

"Sorry" I say lowering my hand to help them up
"It's f-fine, I should of been looking where I was going too he giggled and grabbed my hand as I helped him up

"It's my fault I should of been looking where I was going before sprinting off like that and bumping into you" I say with a smile because that's all he could see

"May I have you're name, since you did nearly run over me" he joked (Btw he literally meant it as runs over him)

I can't give him too much information I think as I just say, "Maxwell, I'm new to the kindom, don't worry I already know your name, you're Prince Ross"

"Next time you ruin into me either literally or not just call me Ross please it fits better, yes?" He says with a smile and puts his hand out for me to shake it which I do

"Will do" I say with a smile before rushing off home

-----Next day-----
*~(Prince) Ross' P.O.V~*
Another day, another round of bachelor and bacheloress' trying to win me over, non of them really catch my eye unlike the fellow from yesterday, he really sparked my interest sad that he had to leave so soon, sigh

"Sir Ross" I hear my knight Sky say "there are no more people to see you today, you're free to go" when I hear that I sigh in relief

"Finally freedom, hey Sky? Do you know anything about a man named Maxwell?" I ask needing to know more

"I do Sir, his Dad used to live here until he got out casted to the Wast Lands for killing the Queen before your mother, he had a child with a outcast woman who died later after giving both to the one you're asking about, Maxwell whom is also an outcast because he's the son of one and he's currently 18 and from our sorces he's gay or bi, why do you ask?"  At this point my eyes were wide with disbelief

"I heard the name while I was in town so I was curious" I lied knowing that if I told them he'd be arrested

"Well I guess you learned something new watch out for him Ross, he has darkish ginger hair, brown eyes and tanned skin, if you see him alert us and stall him" he says sternly. I just nod, but I wouldn't do that, I need to get to know him to know if he's like his father or any other person like you or me. So I rush to my room, I'm going to sneak out at dusk so I get my stuff ready, lock my door and lock my crown in the secret safe so it doesn't get stolen while I'm gone, I need to see him again and speak to him.

-----At Dusk-----
*~Max's P.O.V~*

Me growling is all you can hear in the house, I just woke up to find out my Dad had left to search the Wast Lands without me AGAIN

Silence floods through the house like a tsunami, until I hear the cracking of branches from outside, I carefully walk to a window and peek out seeing someone I thought I wouldn't.... The Prince, Ross. I quickly sneak out cover his mouth and drag him inside, let him go then go close the door.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper shout
"I needed to see you again after meeting you the other day I asked about you and I couldn't believe it, so I needed no wanted to come see you" he said needy, but smiling

"You're lucky that you're cute Ross" I sigh before realising what I said and mentally facepalming myself

"Th-thank you, you're not t-to bad yourself" he said smiling with blush tinting his cheeks while I stood there and smirked

"Fine, fine sit down and I'll tell you about me if you tell me about you too, deal?" I say sitting on the couch as he sits beside me "deal" he says

Part 2 will be out when I'm done writing it I hope you all understand
-Cait 😚

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