Chapter 36: The Escape

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       “Lights out!” officer Fleming is never late to give his nightly yell and as expected, most lights were killed upon the press of a switch in a control room.

       Heaving a heavy breath, Dante exhaled as he observed the darkness.

       “Ten minutes,” said Dante, “Let’s wait ten minutes.”

       They were spending their last few seconds inside their beloved cell, but they didn’t say their goodbyes. They simply thought of it as moving along with their lives, choosing the life of a man on the run rather than wait and rot inside it. After the longest ten minutes of their lives have passed, Dante opened the Bible Ben gave him.

       Looking at his friend, Dante said as he flipped to the page, “It’s time.”

       Careful not to make the keys jingle loudly or entirely not at all, he kept the others inside the book while holding the one that will unlock the first door to freedom. Putting his hand outside, the key searched for the keyhole until it went into the right thin slot. With a turn, the bars were movable to the side.

       Gates were electronically locked via someone in the control room. However, in case of emergency and as a safety measure, the gates were made possible to be manually operated. In case of power outage or immediate need, guards had the ability to open up a cell with the right key and stop cellmates from strangling one another in a dispute.

       The gloom across the cell hall made them feel wanting to go back, but they realized they won’t be getting another chance like this. Tiptoeing in the middle of the dark, the two of them treaded silently down to the first floor towards the main cell broad way gate. Just like their cell gate, it had a key hole, with which upon seeing it Dante took out the appropriate key and inserted it to where it belonged, releasing the second lock towards liberty. Cristoval followed without a sound behind him. Dante was disappointed about the cameras. If it weren’t for them being dysfunctional, they wouldn’t make it past the broad way.

       The two of them chose not to bother the sleeping guard they saw through the two-way window of the control room.

       “This is too easy,” Dante whispered as they headed to where Ronaldo and his nephew were supposedly bored from waiting.

       They were leaving hundreds of prisoners behind to skip their sentences. As they stealthily moved their feet, they heard noises from time to time which caused them to pause for a moment, and then proceed upon knowing that it’s not headed towards them. One improper step on the tiled corridors produced a loud echo that bounced back and forth the walkway, and Cristoval was making such a fuss. They hurried.

       Dante was up first. He slowly peeked inside the locker room for any signs of danger. As he stepped his foot inside, he called out to the people they sought.

       “Ronaldo!” Dante said softly but loud enough to be heard in the entire room.

       Upon hearing Dante’s voice, a head became visible around the corner of the last row of lockers. Already dressed, Ronaldo was almost unrecognizable. But he didn’t go to them. Instead, he let Dante come to where he was. As he and Cristoval slipped behind the lockers, Dante expected to find two people they’re planning on escaping with.

       Ronaldo and William were there. So were two more officers, both dead.

       “I did what I had to do,” Ronaldo said before Dante could scold him, “They caught us. I hit them with the dumbbell bar I found over here.”

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