Chapter 2 The very first things

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The day I created my account was the day when I started writing my first story. It was titled “The fear of losing him”. The title might suggest that it’s a romantic story but it’s not. I published it within the first few days waiting eagerly for the views people would give so that I could improve.

The very first person I met on wattpad was @OhThePlacesYoullGo who read my works, appreciated them and followed me.

@borntobeawriter was the first one to write on my message board which was almost blank earlier. It enlightened a little hope in me and I began to believe that I’ll surely find more friends one day.

These are the little things I still remember and appreciate because they’re worth remembering. They are the keys of my hopeful success in the near future Insha’allah(If Allah wills).

The first story I read was “My wattpad love” by @cold_lady19. I found it interesting but I was searching for something written about Islam. I posted a story named “The guiding light Islam” for my satisfaction.

My days passed reading and writing, waiting for readers to read and tell me how they feel. Unfortunately, there was nothing in my news feed everyday I opened my account.

This is how my first few days at wattpad ended. That was a really quiet time and I had almost no one to read my works and tell how I was going.

Author’s note: What were the things that you observed during the first few days at wattpad?  Did you have any difficulty getting readers?

My wattpad storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora