Forget You

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Ginny Weasley turned to Harry Potter her eyes large, frantic.

"Please forgive me."

Harry stared at her, uncomprehending, he didn't understand what she had told him, he had zoned out when she uttered the words, 'We need to talk.'


Harry asked, looking at her through his glasses confusion visible on his face.

Being near her still had the same effect it had before. His heart beat quickened every time she spoke, his palms got sweaty, he turned tongue tied. It was as if the only thing he could think about while she was around was her. Which left him feeling like a sweaty teenager all over again.

"I..I." Ginny looked as if she was fighting a mental battle as she struggled to come up with words to explain the whole mess.

"I-I'm in love with Hermione." She spoke quickly and whispered the last part while staring down at the wood floor in the Burrow. Making sure not to make eye contact with him.

Harry stared at her and then began to laugh. It was all a joke, of course it was, Ginny loved him not Hermione and Hermione loved Ron not Ginny she was one of his best friends he knew she would never do anything to hurt him like that. It was all so stupid and well, hilarious.

His shoulders shook as he continued to laugh and Ginny stared at him with a solemn expression. Harry looked at her and his laughter died out and he blinked rapidly. Was she really not joking? Her face showed no indication that she was joking,

"Bloody hell Ginny, you're not kidding, are you?"

He hoped that it was all joke, that Ginny would start to burst out with laughter and admit it was all a joke. It had to be joke. There was no way that this could be real. He couldn't wrap his mind around what was happening. This was all so sudden, so random something completely out of the realm of possibility. Nothing that had happened these past few days nor weeks would lead him to believe that he would be in this situation. He had not done anything wrong. He had been as loving and caring as ever. He adored the girl standing in front of him and he was under the impression that she adored him back.

When she didn't answer Harry gave out a nervous chuckle and cleared his throat waiting for her to respond. To reassure him that she was just messing around with him. He was searching across her freckled covered face for any hint of humor.

"G-Ginny." He muttered pushing his messy black hair out of his eyes, only to have it fall back to where it was before. Something that usually made her reach over to him and mimic his previous movements. This time that didn't happen.

Ginny bit her lip and stared at her pale hands, she was anxious, that much was apparent in how she was acting. She kept picking at her nails looking at nothing else.

"I'm not, Harry. I do, l-love her." She paused for a second and stole a glance at him.

Harry tried to not show how much pain he was in, his teeth were clenched trying to fight back the tears that would surely spill at any moment. His green eyes were hidden behind his eyelids and he tried to control his breathing, he didn't know what to say, what to do, he was in so much pain. His heart, that hurt as well. Everything did.

His future had been built around her, Harry imagined himself marrying this girl, only to find out she was lesbian! It all sounded so ridiculous to him. It did not make any sense. No matter how much he tried to think, tried to make sense of it all. It didn't. Harry tried thinking back to any interaction that Ginny had with Hermione and could see nothing out of the ordinary from it. They just seemed like friends, even that was an exaggeration, they seemed more like acquaintances. Two people who were forced to be around each other due to mutual friends. How could that have changed? Ginny had not even been around Hermione recently. As far as Harry remembered. Even if they were around each other maybe Ginny mistook Hermione's friendliness for flirtation. Maybe she was just confused.

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