Chapter 8: The Fight and... Madness?!

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Everyone was eagerly waiting for professor Stein to give the signal so the fight could begin.

"Okay everyone I want a clean fight, also please do not go overboard, cause if you do you'll be the ones cleaning the mess" he said explaining the rules.

"Well anyways, on the count of three you may begin" he said.




"Start!!" Everyone cheered as the fight officially began.

You could feel your partners soul wavelength getting nervous. Everything was happening so fast. One minute you were circling around your opponents and the next you two where barely avoiding Maka's attacks.

"Ethan you've got to focus" you said while he only nodded in response.

Ethan started firing at Maka while she just kept blocking. She was about to attack once again but Ethan took the opportunity to attack her first. He managed to fire at her making her fall back. She quickly got back up on her feet and looked at her scythe. You couldn't quite hear what they were saying but somehow you could feel they were planning to do something big. You could feel your meister's soul wavelength and knew he was thinking the same thing. After that Maka looked at you and Ethan with weird look in her eyes. "This can't be good" you thought.

Kid's P.O.V

As I looked at both Ethan and (Y/n) fighting I couldn't help but feel weird. Ever since we bumped into him this morning I've been getting a bad feeling. Maybe I should just ask father about him.

I kept watching as the battle grew more and more intense. I looked too my side and noticed that Liz and Patti wore nervous expressions. I guess they noticed I was looking at them since now they were looking back at me. I gave them a small smile as if saying that everything will be fine while they just nodded their heads a bit in acknowledgment.

As I once again looked back at the fight taking place and noticed that Ethan was now talking to (Y/n). Once again the feeling I had before came back. "What is this feeling?" I thought as my fist clenched. "It's like a feeling of anger, but at the same time sadness... could it be... no it's not posible I can't be-" my thoughts got cut off by a huge explosion.

"(Y/N)!!!" Screamed Liz and Patti as there eyes widened. As the smoke cleared I noticed something. Maka's eyes were not the same forest green color they once held, no they were... crimson red?! "How did this happen?! Wait the better question is where's (Y/n)? I must find her before something worse happens" I thought. I looked at Liz and Patti and they nodded, knowing what I was asking of them. In the blink of an eye they transformed. As I held my weapons in both of my hands, my eyes were looking everywhere for (Y/n). When my eyes spotted (h/c) hair I immediately knew it was (Y/n)'s.

I ran to where she was to find her unconscious and not far from where she was laid Ethan also unconscious. Both of them were had some injuries but none of them were too serious. I knew I had to get them somewhere safe so I summoned Beelzebub and carefully placed both of them there. After that I sent them on the way to the infirmary.

"Liz, Patti we must contact my father he'll know what to do" I said while they nodded.

"Kid!" A voice called

"Profesor Stein? "

"Kid I need you to look for your father, Maka and Soul are in danger and I think your father can help" he said

"No need for that Stein I'm right here" said a voice which I immediately recognized as father's.

"Father what's happening to them?" I questioned him.

"Well kiddo, I'm not sure what caused it but I'm sure that right now they are going through a nightmare of madness that only they can stop ,but if they don't then will have to take matters into our own hands" my father said with a serious tone

"Isn't there anything we can do to help?" Questioned a now worried Liz.

As I looked over at Maka and Soul my eyes widened. Maka had a crazy smile of her face and her once big bright eyes were suddenly dull and almost lifeless. As she was about to attack with her scythe once more, professor Stein swooped in and used his soul stitch (a/n: I think that's what it's called sorry if I'm wrong) move on them, reducing any chance they had of hurting anyone or escaping.

After that both Maka and Soul, immediately collapsed causing everyone to rush over to their aid.

"Everyone clear the area" said a worried Spirit as he picked up an unconscious Maka carrying her bridal style, while professor Stein carried an unconscious Soul, not bridal style tho.

"Lord Death will Maka and Soul be alright?" Questioned a worried Tsubaki.

"Don't worry Tsubaki, I'm sure they'll be fine. They've done this once before and I'm sure they can do it again" my father said. He then turned his head and looked at both my weapons

"Girls, I bet your very eager to see how your cousin is doing so you can go check up on her now if you want" my father said.

The sisters nodded their heads and started heading inside to check up on (Y/n). As I was about to start walking a hand grabbed my shoulder making me turn around. I came face to face- well more like face to mask- to my father.

"Kid I need to speak with you" my father said in a serious tone which is weird even for him.

"What's wrong father?" I asked

"I need you to find who did this to Maka and Soul, in all my years that I've been here nothing like this has ever happened by accident. Whatever or whoever did this to them must be brought to justice." My father said

"Of course father" I said while he just nodded, "Now if you excuse me I must go and catch up to my weapons" I said and once again started walking.


As I entered the school infirmary I saw the two sisters standing beside (Y/n). As I neared (Y/n)'s bed I noticed Ethan was in the other. My eyes caught the form of some sort of chain around Ethan's neck.

As I was about to grab it, his eyes shot open and he immediately grabbed my wrist.

"Don't even think about it" he said while he let go of my wrist, stood up from the bed and headed outside of the infirmary. I looked at Liz and Patti with a "what just happened" expression while they just shrugged their shoulders in response. As I went to stand closer to (Y/n)'s bed once again I couldn't help but think,

"Could the bad feeling I felt before when I meet Ethan be.... Madness!?"

Sorry for the late update. I've been having some major writers block and being bombarded by tests almost all week didn't help either. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment and vote. Thanks so much for reading.


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