Chapter 3

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3 rd person's PoV:
"Well that's in the past now" Guren mumbled while walking home 'I wonder where is she now' Guren thought
Shinya's Pov:
It's been years since Y/n's last visit and her absence made Guren change and it kinda scared me at first but I got use to it

The next day:
"Okay class we have a new student that's joining use today" said Mira-sensei what happened next made me and Guren stand on our seats

Your PoV:
When you entered the class you flinched when two male students stands when they saw you

'Well it's been a long heck of a time since we last saw those assholes'

"Mr. Ichinose and Mr. Hiragi is there something wrong?" asked Mira-sensei but you were too busy listening to Yashiro that you didn't heard her "Lady Y/n can you introduced yourself to the class" "yes I can,my name is Y/n L/n it's a pleasure to meet you" you said the classroom were filled with whisperings

"She's a L/n"
"I heard she's possessed by a demon before"
"We better stay away from her"
"Okay that's enough gossiping children" said Mira-sensei "Lady Y/n you can sit next to Shinya, Mr. Hiragi please raise you hand" the silver haired teen raised his hand and you quickly sat next to him

Shinya's Pov:
'What the hell is she doing here I thought she's gone' I thought
For the rest of the class I just stared at y/n she doesn't seems to be disturbed but Guren does I narrowed me eyes at Guren

Guren's PoV:
I thought she left her father said so

I was walking down the road as an stupid idea pops in my head
'Why don't I visit her' I thought so it was settled I'll pay a short visit then leaves

Time skip: At the L/n
"Guren my boy what brings you here child?" Mr L/n asked "just paying a visit to n/n that's all" I replied "oh y/n I believed that your too late she've already moved out" said Mr L/n "W-what move out b-but why?!" I asked "Family tradition"

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