"LET GO OF ME! YOU SICKO!" Kari screamed.

'It was a good thing no one else was here. Otherwise I'd have to kill them.' I thought to myself.

I felt Kari bite my wrist repeatedly, then I heard her gag.

"Eww, old people taste bad." Kari mumbled.

I stopped at our door. I unlocked it, and then I threw her in and locked the door. I heard loud banging as I walked away. I returned to Pein office where I found Kohan speaking to Pein.

"Pein. It's time to collect the nine tails Jinchûriki. Go, now. Unless you're too weak from your earlier battle, in which case I'll have to send someone else..."

Pein stood up from his chair. Kohan moved back behind him to the side but spoke first.

"There is no need to doubt. No one can beat Pein. He will not fail." Kohan said. I could see a hint of pride in her eyes. How pathetic...

"I'm ready." Pein spoke giving a side glance to Kohan which made her look down in respectfully.

"Then go."

Tsukiakari P.O.V.:

It's been over a week now since Madara left to go do whatever old evil masterminds do. I've been bored out of my mind.

I've walked down these halls so many times its not even funny. Even though Madara said not to leave my room unless with Pein, no one has stopped me.

Pein thinks I'm a 'distraction' to his organization. Well screw him. After observing him what little I did. He hates anything he deems childish or foolish. I wonder if I can be worse than Madara is when acting as "Tobi."

So I walked down to his office. I didn't bother knocking and just opened the door. Pein wasn't there. So I started being nosey little me. I went through his drawers, his desk, and closet but found nothing interesting. Then I went over to a wooden wardrobe, I opened it and immediately my gaze went to the Uchiha symbol on the entire amour set. It looked old and worn. Then the old weapon behind it caught my eye. Then it made sense.

This was Madara's old armor. I took the weapon and tried swing it around. I felt a cold stare on me and turned to see Pein a little too close for comfort...who am I kidding, he was within inches of me and it was freaking me the hell out.

"Can I help you?" I shot at him.

He held out his hand expectantly, I gripped the weapon harder.

"Surrender the weapon to me now." I frowned.

"Make me, if you can."

I bolted out of his office but still in his chambers. I started running around crazily. I knew he was on my heels but I still had to give it a shot. When he shoved me into the wall, I started swing the old weapon around.

I jumped away after giving Pein a kick to the gut so he would let go of me. Then i ran back into the main room of Pein's large chambers. I heard him yelling.


"If he does have my head for this. Then I won't have to deal with any of you anymore." I shot back while glaring at Pein.

"What did you do to make her hate you Pein?" I heard Madara speak.

I turned and saw him. Then started running up to him with his own weapon I hand. I threw it knowing it would go through. Instead I kept running hoping to get a good tackle on him, but sadly I went straight through him and smashed into the wall.

"Oww..." I whined.

Pein looked at Madara.

"Lord Madara, I ask of you to take Kari away. She's trying her best to get me angry and it is working. I can't get anything done with her around. I just had to deal with my former sensei and it took some out of me."

I sent Pein my death squint but he didn't even blink. Like I wasn't even there.

"Kari. Quit acting like a child and act your age."

Madara turned and took a foot towards me. I grabbed a vase and chucked it at his head.

"Then go act your age and die." I said, pissed.

"Do not speak to me as if I were trash Kari. I am your future husband and king. I stand above everyone."

'If I'm his future wife then Kakashi is really a girl. He thinks he stands above everyone? We'll see about that'. I got up on a chair Madara was near, and then I looked down at him.

"Now I stand above you. Deal with it."

Madara grabbed my arm and pulled me down from the chair. I feel down in surprise. Then he started to drag me out of the room. Pein was nowhere in sight anymore.

"LET GO OF ME! YOU SICKO!" I screamed. Where were the rest of the Akatsuki when you actually want them?

Madara dragged me around until he reached my holding room as I called it. He threw me in roughly and then locked it. I bolted from where I had landed when he threw me and started banging very loudly on the doors.

After a minute I used my Kekkei-Genkai and put myself outside Pein's office. I listened to their conversation but spaced out after Madara gave Pein the order to capture nine tails. He wanted to harm Naruto. I'm not going to let him do this.


End of chapter 11.

Sorry I haven't updated. I haven't had the time or the ideas too

& no there will never again be a vote or whatever requirement. I just used that on the last chapter to buy myself some lazy thinking time.

Hope you all continue reading.

Vermisa out! ~war sign~

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