"Please Teresa, listen to me," Thomas says, putting his hands up in defeat. "Why are you doing this? Is something making you do this? Someone?"

Teresa flinched at his words, and was about to run at him, but she collapsed at her feet instead.

.                      .                         .

"So... I was a crank? And I was cured?" Julie stated, shocked by her own words.

Janson stared at Julie for a second before nodding. "But that is not important now. What is important is that we get to Teresa first and give her whatever you just gave me."

Julie furrowed her eyebrows at what Janson had said before, and watched as he quickly got out of bed and made his way to the door and out of the room. Then in finally hit her; Teresa was given the same "bliss" that Janson was given. Julie closely followed him in silence as they made their way back to the control centre Luckily, all of the guards were knocked out previously by Julie, so they had no problem on the way. Janson immediately ran to the corner of the room, and messed with some controls as Julie looked out the window for other guards.

"Julie, I have Teresa online. I just gave her a solution that should slow down the process of the 'bliss' but not for too long. I need you to talk to her and explain-" Janson was saying, but he fell to the ground before finishing. Julie ran to her uncle, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Janson, wake up! Come on, you have such bad timing!" Julie screamed, shaking Janson. She was so focused on Janson that she didn't here Ava come in. 

"He's like that because the bliss already took over," Ava said, twirling a gun in her hands. Julie glared at her before making her way to Ava.

"What does that mean?" Julie asked. Ava chuckled. 

"That means he's gonna turn into a crank," she said, smiling, "and everything will fall into my hands." 

Ava smiled once more. She turned her back to Julie. "Oh, and I know that you overheard me talking about Janson. I don't care you know. Because you're still the innocent Julie that is bound to die sooner or later."

Ava pulled a knife out of her boot and flung it straight at Julie. Once she realized what was happening, Julie made her way to her left, causing the knife to pierce a part of her arm instead of her heart. Julie hissed in pain before running to Ava and tackling her to the ground. Julie punched Ava in the throat with her uninjured arm, but her victory didn't last long. Ava pushed Julie off of her and kicked her in the stomach repeatedly.

"Huh, I thought you were stronger than that," Ava said, peering at an injured Julie. "I guess when you don't have that extra support, you turn into the weak child you always were."

Julie barely heard any of the words Ava has spoken. She could barely hear anything. But she did hear a gunshot, and saw the face of Ava Paige as she fell to her knees and on top of Julie. Blood oozed out of the back of her head, where Janson shot at. 

Julie pushed the deceased Paige off of her and slowly stood up, trying to regain her balance. 

"Julie, listen to me sweetie," she heard Janson say. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I'm sorry for taking you away from your family and turning you into an experiment. But you aren't. You are like my daughter, Julie. I will always love you."

Julie looked up at Janson who was pointing the gun at himself. He was perfectly still. A sense of serenity washed over Janson as he looked at Julie.

"Make sure you get Teresa and Thomas out of there and go save the world," Janson said with a smile before pressing the trigger. Julie stared as she saw Janson's face falling. His body slumped onto the floor, lifeless. She screamed in frustration and wanted to cry, but she realized there was more at stake. With a  deep breathe, she made her way to the control panel and connecting to Teresa.

.                       .                      .

Teresa opened her eyes, feeling the presence of someone in her head. 

"Janson?" She asked. 

"It's Julie," a girl's voice replied. 

Teresa was silent for a while. "What do you want?"

"I need to tell you something important." Teresa paused, signalling Julie to go on. "We think we found the cure. Tell Thomas to open the Flat Trans and come back to WICKED. Only he can open it."

"Okay. Anything else?" Teresa asked. Julie furrows her eyebrows, wondering why she sounds so monotone. Does Teresa really hate her that much?

"There is something that you need to know. You're on this type of bliss that makes you go crazy, okay?" Julie said through the monitor, with tears in her eyes. she saw Janson lying in the corner, blood still spewing out from his body. "It's gonna take over and make you a crank soon, so you have to make sure you go somewhere away from Thomas."

Teresa gulped as she looked at Tom. His eyes filled with worry as teresa told him what he needed to do and what was happening to her. Thomas watched as Teresa failed to meet his eyes, realizing what he had to do.

"You want me to... kill you?" Thomas said. The thought made tears spring to his eyes. Kill. A small word composed of only four letters, but bears the weight of a thousand suns. Teresa  nodded in response, looking down.

"I mean it should be easy considering what I've done to you and the rest of the gladers these past years."

Thomas widened his eyes as he heard that, taking a small step towards her. She took one back. "There is no way I'm killing you Teresa! You're still my friend. Teresa, I can't!"Thomas responded, his voice cracking midway. It made him want to punch a tree. 

"Then do you want me to turn into a monster? Again? Please, Tom, please, I can't go through that again!" Teresa shouted, tears running down her cut up cheeks. Flashbacks of Newt filled Thomas' mind, causing his eyes to shed tears as well. 

"F-fine, I'll do it," Thomas' murmured, causing Teresa to slightly smile. She nodded her head in respect before oddly jerking to the side. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head before she oddly stepped forward, screaming. Thomas called her name and went to her side, supporting her. All of a sudden, she went still. Silence. A flock of crows flew above their heads. Thomas could hear the beat of their wings they passed by.

"Four, four, four, four," Teresa muttered, lolling her head. Thomas looked at her in confusion, before he realized what was happening. She turned into a crank. 

Thomas quickly scrambled back to his original place, eyeing Teresa, who was now hysterically laughing. Thomas sniffled as he saw the cliff's edge a few metres away. He slowly made his was towards it before he called out to Teresa.

"Hey! Come here! I got a little something for you."

Teresa whips her head over to the noise, widely smiling when she sees a boy screaming near by. So she starts running. She smiles at the wind caressing her face and doesn't notice the boy push her. And then she's falling. And falling and falling and falling. 

Thomas burst into sobs as he saw Teresa fall to her death. Another glader - another friend - lost because of WICKED. Thomas hated them for putting the gladers through all the phases. All of a sudden, Thomas froze. Was this another phase, Thomas thought. He recalled what Teresa said earlier. Four. Thomas stood up in surprise. 

"This is phase four!" Thomas screamed to himself. "Is it ever gonna stop?"

Thomas pushed his hair back in frustration. He remembered that Teresa told him to go back to WICKED. Thomas hated the idea, but he had nothing better to do. He went back home and sighed. He grabbed a bucket from the corner of his house and made his way over to the fields draped in snow. He scooped snow into his hands, and threw it into the bucket. Boredom. Depression. Anger. That was all he felt as he finished up.

Thomas made his way to the place where they Flat Trans was, and pushed a few buttons to activate it. The familiar grey glow illuminated the space around him. Thomas looked back at the "Paradise" once more before disappearing into the real world, never to be the same again.


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