It was all far too simple.

I tugged on Megure-keibu's sleeve to get his attention. He was about to make this crime a suicide. "Keibu-san, it's no suicide. It's a murder." Everyone gave me shocked expressions. "What do you mean, Shinobu-kun?"

“This crime was supposed to look like suicide to make the true culprit innocent. The culprit wore gloves and so did Kana-san since it became a habit. This way, we cannot determine if it was murder or if it was suicide.”

I inhaled before resuming my deductions. “The culprit casually approached Kana-san and told her that they had something to say to her. The person took this chance to strike and kill her.” Her death is so simple that it annoys me. It annoys me how a human can die so easily, yet live life so hard.

"Then, Shinobu-kun, why would the culprit walk up to her so casually? Wouldn't she suspect that he's up to something?" I shook my head to deny Keibu-san's claim. "No, because this person is someone she's close with." I mentally smirked when I saw him flinch. Yes, be scared, you filth.

"What are you talking about? Who's the murderer?" I smirked and pointed at Juujiro-san, Kana-san's husband. "Juujiro-san, you're the murderer." Everyone around me gasp and I was too focused on this case to notice a pair of eyes glaring at the perpretor, who was glaring at me.

"Oh? What does an elementary school kid know?" I frowned, not liking how he was sneering at me. "FYI, I'm in middle school. Besides, you knew Kana-san's daily routine. It would have been easy for you to ambush her here." I stated. The man snickered, all worries for his wife gone in an instant.

"Then, little detective, let's hear your deductions right from the beginning."

I mentally grinned sadistically. I'm so gonna send that guy to jail.

“As earlier said, she was last seen buying groceries, went home and went to work here at the pharmacy. You're an engineer and there will be times when you'll have a break, however, it can be on random days.

You did this crime while at work, however. You excused yourself, saying you had an emergency and went here at the pharmacy. You waited for Kana-san and when she arrived, the two of you talked for a while before striking her down.

You left the knife to make it seem like she commited suicide and you left through the backdoor and went back to work. Kana-san, who somehow knew of whatever you were going to do, threw her ring discreetly as a clue. There's no reason for you to remove her ring so the other only logical thing is for the victim to do it herself as the main clue of who did it.”

I paused and let the man answer. His hands were sweaty, so were his neck and forehead. He was nervous. "What if she just wanted to frame me and make it look like I murdered her? What if it just accidentally fell?" He was getting defensive. "You don't have enough proof, you brat!" My eye twitched at being called brat.

"Don't talk about Shino-chan like that."

Our attention averted to... Ouji-kun? When I looked at his eyes, I couldn't help but freeze at his cold expression. His eyes were dull and sharp and Yūjin is no where to be found. I managed to unfreeze myself and coughed to get their attention. I sent Ouji-kun a look and he only smiled at me.

I faced back to my audience. “As concrete evidence, how did you know of this place?” Time seemed to slow down as I ask him. "W-What?"

"Earlier, Megure-keibu mentioned that he had hung up before he can tell you the location of where your wife had been killed. I ask again, how did you know of this place?" I demanded. "O-Of course I would know she was here! She went home earlier, didn't she?!" B. I. N. G. O.

"Ah, but you were at work, weren't you?"

And just like that, the man gave up. He fell on his knees with his forehead touching the ground. "That woman..." My eyes softened when I heard how broken his voice sounded.

"... dared to burrow money from my already in debt sister. My sister is too kind and it was up to me to support her but that woman was far too selfish! She burrowed money from everyone and spent our money on gambling, alcohol and cigarettes! I've had enough of her selfish actions!" So, it was all for his sister.

"But Mister..." I trailed off as he looked at me with a defeated expression. "... taking someone s life isn't always the answer. Violence isn't always the answer. Murder is never the answer. Face the obstacle presented in front of you and face it like a man you are; not like a coward who ends it with murder."

Tears slowly trailed down his cheeks as he cried while being handcuffed by the police.

Why do people go to far lengths for their family, even going as far as to kill someone? That notion was added to my list of 'mysteries'.


Ouji-kun and I walked to the park with Yūjin on his shoulder after the case. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. "Shino-chan, please don't let anyone look down on you." I raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't matter to me. Let them underestimate me because I sure as hell won't lose. I'll solve anything and I won't let cases go unsolved."

I smiled at him with my hands behind my back. Sure, I have been an unmotivated girl in my past life but now, now I feel thrills whenever I solve murder cases or any other cases.

"Language, Shino-chan. Please use proper words whenever you talk." I lightly smiled. "Alright, Ouji-kun."

What I didn't know was that, somehow, Ouji-kun isn't the person I expected him to be and yet, I still find myself accepting him for who he is.

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