Justin was the first to talk, "Isn't that one of the boys that Warrior Simpson took?"

My jaw clenched, "It might be, whatever this thing is, it came from up North."

The crunch of leaves brought my attention to back to the tree lines to see a patrol walking towards us.


Dad turns around, "Yes?"

"Alpha Ryan of the Blue Moon pack requests your presence," he speaks, his voice wavering at the end.

"He's here?" the shock wasn't hidden from Dad's voice.

The boy nodded, looking behind him for a moment. "He said it was urgent."

Dad nodded and straighten his back before striding ahead and pass the boy, he stays a second later and turns back to us.

"I want someone to identify who that is," he points towards the body. "and notify the parents and arrange a send-off. Got it?"

The patrol bowed, nodding. "Yes, Alpha."

"One more thing." Dad starts to add, "Get someone to contact Warrior Simpson, he needs to come back. Now."

~ • ~


"Bloody hell!"

My eyes shift over to Stella, to see her flip her hair over her shoulder out of frustration as she looks down at her lap with her brows creased.

"What is it?" Sam asks beside me, picking at her food.

Stella looks up, huffing "I lost." she says, holding her phone out toward us.

I lean forward and see she was playing Temple Run and her character had run into a tree. Sam laughs as I sit back in my chair and pick my fork back up.

"You can always restart, you know?"

"Yes, I know, but I was on roll. I was getting close to my high score," Stella pouts.

I twirl my fork in the spaghetti on my plate and stuff it in my mouth, almost moaning at the blissful taste.

"Anyone saw the boys, yet?" Riley asks from the opposite side of me.

Since she mentioned that, neither one of us has seen Justin, Xavier or Dylan. In the moment the to the cafeteria and in walked the three boys.

"Oop never mind, there they are."

They all take a seat at the table quietly, not one of them speaking a word, their bodies tense with tension.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I hear Stella ask Justin, placing her hand over his on the table.

He visibly relaxes at her touch, closing his eyes and leans over, whispering something in her ear that causes her eyes to widen. I didn't miss the glance he sent my way.

Suddenly losing my appetite, I drop my fork. A heated gaze burns the side of my face, and slowly I turn and level my eyes with Xavier. We stare at each other, the same spark igniting a flame between us and for god knows how long, his brown eyes stare into mine. It was when my phone begins to ring that I broke eye contact.

Pulling it out from my pocket, I answered not looking at the caller ID.

"Hello," I answer, looking around the table to see everyone focused on me.

"Hey, Sweetie!" Mom coos through the phone, her excitement known.

My eyebrows shot upward. "Hey, Mom. .? W-was there something you needed?"

The sound of keys jiggling fills my ears. "Actually yes, I want you to come to the doctor's appointment with me."

I glance up and connect eyes with Stella, who smiles. I push my chair back and stand, walking a little away from the table and to the window that overlooked the back of the school.

"I would love to, but where's Dad? Shouldn't he go with?" I say.

There was a long pause before she spoke again. "He's busy with his job."

There was a tone of her voice that I couldn't quite pin. "Uh, okay, but I'm still in school."

I glance back at the table to see them talking in hushed voices.

"Which is why I'm coming to sign you out early. See you soon, honey."

With that she ends the call, leaving me wondering actually where Dad was and what was so important for him to miss an appointment with Mom and the baby. The look Justin sends me suddenly comes to mind.

~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~

Sooooo what do you think? Like it? Yay or nay? 😂😂😂 I'm sorry I'm really trying to distract myself 'cause my brother is watching Final Destination 2 and this is the movie that scared me with Elevators— oh my god! Why did I look at the TV 💀💀✌ that image will stay in my head for awhile

Anyway, I really hoped you enjoyed. I'll be working on another update to distract myself. Til then

*begins writing while blaring music in my ears*



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