Bonus Chapter!

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5 weeks after the event

Percy was finally alone. He walked to his cabin and put a protective barrier, that kept noises from producing outside. He fixed his bed and put all his instruments in the middle of the cabin. He was looking at his acoustic guitar. He held it and played.

Percy sang '7 Years Old' but in French.

Everyone heard him. The people who were shocked the most? Athena and kids, especially Annabeth. He sang like an angel to most (if I mean by most I mean all) people. Poseidon looked at his son in pride, he knew his son can sing French, heck Sally taught the two, she practically drilled it to their poor seaweed brains.

When Percy finished he looked shocked when he noticed the crowd. "I... Uh... Um..." he was lost in words. Annabeth went to him "When did you learn French fluently?" she asked astounded at her boyfriends talent, he sighed "Mom taught me, also to my dad. She drilled it to our poor brains." he answered Poseidon laughed awkwardly. "Ha ha ha, yeah she was always a fan in French language." Poseidon explained.

"Can the two of you sing French fluently?" Athena asked, now everyone was looking at the two. The father and son nodded. "Then show us brother." Zues said.

Poseidon went to Percy they discussed a song and agreed. Poseidon and Percy stood up. He also made two microphone for them around their head. The beat slowly started.

Percy and Poseidon both sang and danced in unison. They both looked very... unpredictable in every way possible.

They finished their song with a shocked crowd. "Ha, it's been so long since I sang French fluently." Poseidon said "Your getting rusty dad." Percy said "No I'm not!" he shouted annoyed. Percy laughed but soon joined by his father.

"Okay, hold up." the crowd said "What was that?" they all asked in unison "Some answers are just too hard to know." the two said. Poseidon vanished not in a flash but as steam his body vanished like evaporating steam. Percy smiled at the crowd and started to fix his cabin.

The people all spreaded but still shocked at what happend, all the gods and goddesses disappeared and went back to their duties.

Annabeth went to him. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked sadly. Percy stopped, he looked at Annabeth in guilt, Why didn't I tell her? He thought to himself "I... I didn't want for you to know that I know French, you'll think I'm going to boast my second language and you know..." he trailed off " might, dump me?"

Annabeth punched him on the shoulder playfully "Humph! As you say 'To loyal for my own good' sometime your so dumb." she said, Percy smiled at her which she loved "That is why your my 'Wise Girl' and I'm your 'Seaweed Brain'." he said smiling "Whatever, Seaweed Brain." she said kissing him passionately.

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