Trusting Myself

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What is trust?

What does it mean to you?

Why do we trust?

Is it  sense of faith or are we just comforting ourselves with a false emotion?

Nobody truly knows what trust is and while some have felt it, some take an entire lifetime to do just that, trust.

Trust is having that faith in God that things are going to be okay, no matter what.

Trust is those first steps you take when you learn how to walk for the first time.

Your mom and dad are there to balance you or catch you if you fall but  the point is,

you trust them to be your guide but not only for this moment but for the life ahead of you,

the challenges, mistakes and achievements that are yet to come.

Trust is when you have complete faith in your Spouse that he

or she will never intentionally hurt you.

Trust is when you get Bullied but you trust in God to give you the strength

to stand up for yourself instead of turning to cutting and eventually suicide.

Trust is when you have been broken-hearted so many times yet

you put all your trust in the next person you date because you

are not of the opinion that this person will turn out like the rest.

Because there is a possibility that he or she could be the one you

have been searching for all your life.

Trust is when you have a Best friend and you tell them all your

secrets and know that they will never tell anyone no matter what.

Trust is not caring if the world is against you but once your parents,

your siblings, your friend, or even yourself trust that things are going

to be okay, then you put your faith into that one thought. You are reassured

that you can and will be able to accomplish whatever you put your mind too.

So you see there are many reasons to trust others but you must first learn to trust yourself before you can do that.

Trusting yourself is not as easy as it seems.

It takes commitment, hard work and practice.

Can you trust yourself that you won't go back to being a Criminal, an Alcoholic,

a Smoker, a bad person?

Can you trust yourself that you won't give up on your Dreams,

especially when things become harder than ever?

Can you trust yourself to have enough faith in God that things are going to get

better even when you have stopped believing in yourself?

Can you trust yourself that you will get over your Fears?

Can you trust yourself that you can do anything that you put

your mind too?

Can you trust that you will always be honest to yourself?

Can you trust yourself?

It doesn't have to be this way, you know.

All you have to do is bury that pain you feel and put it behind you.

Don't look back at the past.

Live for the present. and the unknown future.Whether it may be good or bad, know that you are prepared to face it, come what may.

Promise yourself that from now on you will atleast try.

And learn to trust yourself, little by little because when you start trusting others, know that its a big commitment to maintain so do whatever you must but do it wholeheartedly.

"Trust is the reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, faith in a person or thing."


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