The Boy in the Hole

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Warning: this is following Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children the book so if you wish to read it, I'd advice doing so prior to reading this if you don't want any spoilers. If this doesn't apply to you, go ahead.

Two chapters in a row?? Who am I?

Six Days Later

Even though Emma quickly spread the news, it was easily cast away as a false premonition on Horace's part. I believe him wholeheartedly which is why yesterday and the day before that I volunteer to check the loop opening just to see what would happen. The first day, there was no sign of anything being out of the ordinary. Just a cold, cloudy day.

However, yesterday I found doors ajar and footsteps in the muck among other things. Someone had been there.

I spread the news throughout the household, well, except for Miss Peregrine. If I told her, she would start freaking out saying wights found us or whatnot.

It has been decided that while Miss P is in her study, a group of us will go and "greet Abe" as Emma says. She has everyone believing it must be Abe. I hope it is.

The study door shuts and we are off. I run down the staircase to the front door and yank on my boots. Everyone else who has been approved to go is already waiting. Olive, Claire and Bronwyn will stay at the house. Olive being too slow, Claire being too little and Bronwyn to make up an excuse if Miss Peregrine suspects anything.

"Everybody here?" I ask.

"Yep," Hugh replies.

"Let's go then," Emma says cheerfully.

We go off through the mucky forest, one after the other, following the specific foot places that only we know. The group of us go directly to the cairn and it is decided that Millard will go through first to check if anyone is there. While he does so, we mill about in an anxious silence. The invisible boy soon returns telling us the coast is all clear. We follow him through the cairn, crouching through the small crevice.

On the opposite side, it seems to be raining lightly while the sun shines. I smile up at how beautiful it looks. The rain dampens my hair and clothes but I could not care less. The antsy group continues onward, eager to reach the house. An enormous crash echoes about the forest and I believe it comes from the direction in which we must go. We all glance at one another in silence, listening for voices. When none come we continue quietly toward the deteriorating version of our home.

We finally make it to the sad broken house. Unlike our own version of the home, this one has been overrun with all kinds of vegetation. Every window has been smashed and every wall has been faded by time. I sigh in discomfort.

"Are you sure anyone is even there?" Enoch whispers in a snarky tone.

"The doors ajar," Millard counters for me.

We all push toward the door. One inside we try to be as silent as possible, listening for anyone.

Unfortunately, Hugh manages to back up into a chair, knocking it over and creating a crash that causes the damaged home to shiver.

"I heard something over here," Horace whispers pointing toward the direction of the stairwell.

"There's no one here!" Enoch hisses.

I walk past Enoch and follow Horace as do the others. The rain can be heard pitter-pattering above us. "C'mon Enoch don't hold us up," Hugh complains.

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