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"And now lets raise our glass in toast for our award winning writer,  McKenly Smith!"  The host of the party had  announced that  Mckenly was going to  read   an exsert from her book. 'Freedom Rights.'  She started writeing the story  a few months after her sisters death.  She wish  she knew what her sister was going through.  She  wanted to  know what  was going through her head.  Its been 4 years now and Mckenly  is now 21.  She started a website to  raise to  have people post their testamony's.  

"Hello, My name is Mckenly Smith, 4 years ago today  I  was a high school  student, sitting  in class and watching everyone  throw their books across the room and write innapropiate things on the desk, walls, chalkboards. When a principal  walked into the room and  pulled me out. I she told me that  my sister was put into  urgent care.  She died 4 days later. 

Seeing her lifelessbody  in a casket was making me feel  like an emotional  wreck.  It took a month till I found out that  a group of girls pushed her off the stairs causing her complete brain damage leaving her brain dead."  

Mckenly  took a deep breath, " Lets start the Story."  


Scott Picket..  

 Scott as a child loved to  aid the  indgured,  he would help them   heal  by tending to their wounded body. As he grew older  he told his mother that he wanted to   work on medicine.  She told him," Do as you please Scott,  always remember do what you  love."  His smile was wide and full  of hope.  

His mother became extreamly  ill.  He  was scared.  He quickly made a  drink that helped heal  his mom.  Word had gotten out and rumors spreaded that it was   "witch craft." His mother was afraid of her child being  dead at the age of 15 so  she sent him on a ship to america where she heard they gained indepence.   This is where his story  starts.

October 12, 1780 

"Scott,   I would need you to clean Alberts wound I don't want my slaves to  be cut open while working." His Master Johnson  had ordered.  Scott without heastation went to   clean his gashing wound.  Albert had been cut open from his calf  to  his ankle. "  What  was it this time Bert?"  He asked.  Bert looked at him ,  not speaking.  Durning this time in day  no slave was to  speak to  on another.  Scott always would rebel  against his masters wishes ,   unless it dealt with   using his medical  pratatces.  

"Hatchet? bobwhire? Saw?"  Albert didn't reply.

As the day  had  ended he walked over to  his desk  and wrote in his book.  He was the only  slave that was able to  read and write perfectly only  because his mother taught him.   She would tell him  that he would meet many beautiful  women.  She told him writing would  bring  a girls hear to  melt.  Sadly  all the girls he loved were back in England.   So  he wrote to his mother but never saved the letters.  


Today I    stitched Berts wound.   He cried as I started to  clean it.... 

  -  - - -  - - - -   


 Early  1970's 

Her mother...  wasn't really  their for her. Her father was out with  the military  Airforce. She made some choices that she wish  she could go back and change but yet  again if she didn't do  what  she had done  her  life couldn't be how it was in the future.  She was 15 when she had a baby boy  she named him Damian. She knew she would raise him  as a single parent with a little help from   family.  Everyday  was new for her seeing how she is raising   him.  No father.  

" HEY TRISA !" Yelled her co-worker Becky. She had her hair up  in a wired funky  fashion.  Trisa  smiled and  walked over to  the kitchen  and then  frowned ,"  Damian took a boom  and its bad."  Damian looked at Trisa,  He was only three and  a terror of a child, Damian smiled at his mom  as he said ," Awntie Bweek  scared  me!"  he said.   Trisa looked at her child,  diper on his head along with  ketchup  splattered on his face.

 Tired, Trisa went to  the grocary store.  Damian said hi To  everybody and wouldn't shut up."  What a beautiful  baby  boy  you have."   A lady  said. Trisa half smiled, "  Yeah  and a nut case as well. "  she looked   at  lady ,  she looked around mid 40's  and  already  with  grey  hair.   She had a voice that sounded as she smoked 4 packs a day.  " My name is Betzy,  I run  this store."  She said. Trisa looked at Betzy, unsure and  confused . In  her mind ,' How can she be a .... nevermind...  I  need to get Damian's  dippers... Why  does he still  take a shit in his  underwear.  I thought he was potty trained.  

As  Trisa finished and paid for her grociories she bukeled in and adjusted the mirrior to  see in  Damian was asleep  in his car seat.   She glanced for a quick  second and then looked back again to  see  she put the   turkey  in the car seat ,"  Wait then that means.."  

"DAMIAN!!" She yelled .

" Here momma! "  She quickly  opened the trunk and  put him  in the car seat an the turkey  in   the trunk.  

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" Your just  as pathetic as  you were in middle school."  One girl  had said.  

"  Yeah,  do you think that anyone would want a pig  of a whore as a girlfriend?" 

All  the thoughts ran through her head.   Looked up  at the sky one more time as she climbed up  the later.  The girls wanted to  see her.  The girls who  have made her life misrable for the past 10  years.  Tears treaded down her face  along  with  the blood that busted from her forehead.  She knew what was to  come.  She knew this was the end,  she felt it .  

Getting closer to the edge she sees   the light already  the gates opening.  Then she looked down and saw a fire pit  below. When she finely  got to  the top  the girls had baseball bats and a rope.  one other girl  had a belt with  nails coming out from it. A blond girl  grabbed Skyler by the hair and threw her to  the grown.  Skyler looked up as the wacked her in the stomach.  They  stripped her to  where she was left in her bra and underwear burses already  forming. The torture  wasn't over yet.  

They rested a bit as they  tied her up for  a good few minuets until   they  used the bet and started ripping her skin so  she would bleed.   She was still concious, just she was blinded. They  cleaned her up and then placed her on the ledge of the building. "This is what you get  for  messing with the wrong people."  The blond girl said and they  pushed her off the ledge. She fell  flat but now she was dead. Her lifeless body  was on the ground.   

"Hello? 911?  Yes,  There is a girl  who  seems to  be dead on the ground she just jumped off the JCPenny's  building."   crowds started to move around.  

A while later  They  tried to  revive her but..  It was  to late .  She was dead.  

The story  doesn't end now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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